The Winter Lady [GURPS 4e]

Suitable for fantasy campaigns.

The Winter Lady – Google Docs


The Winter Lady


The Winter Lady is a goddess of the cold and winter; She is also the primary deity of healing in her pantheon.  Worshippers of other pantheons often find this to be contradictory, but those who follow the Lady have no confusion in their hearts. After all, cold slows decay, and keeps things fresh and unsullied. It would be only natural that a goddess of ice would have the power to preserve the health and life of Her followers. Her church’s religious symbol is the snowflake; the colors of the goddess are blue and white.

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GURPS Martial Art: Swarm (12/20 pt) [GURPS 4E]

Swarm – Google Docs

Swarm [12/20]


In any world where at least some individuals have access to life eternal, or even life endless (call them Immortals), there will inevitably be those who will use their advantages to try to take over the world.  And then, just as inevitably, there will be those who will learn how to effectively fight and neutralize those Immortals. This martial art comes from a secret society dedicated to effectively combatting opponents who cannot be killed, but who can be knocked down, over, and unconscious, as well as be immobilized, hurt, or even just beaten up.  Swarm is extremely intensive: practitioners are expected to train in their maneuvers to the maximum level possible, and fight equally well both alone, and in groups. It also teaches enough occult lore to give Swarm adepts the basics of general monster hunting.

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GURPS Revisited: Padway-3. [GURPS 4e]

I’m putting this up because somebody was interested in using some of this material, so I figured the least I could do would be to make it a little easier to access.  I mean, why not, right?

Padway-3 (Quantum 5) – Google Docs



Padway-3 (Quantum 5)


The Secret is thoroughly compromised on Padway-3, and there is little consolation to Infinity that this is due to no fault of theirs. The blame instead rests with Jerry Moore, an involuntary crosstime filibusterer who appeared on Padway-3 over sixty local years ago, and who wasted no time in fomenting revolution among recently-conquered and definitely oppressed American colonists. By the time Moore died of old age in 1800, he had recreated a USA that promises to challenge the Ottoman and Chinese empires for supremacy of the globe; and as Moore had shown no interest in hiding his origins, the entire timeline now knows that crosstime travel is at least possible. Homeline is still trying to determine how to proceed.

Continue reading GURPS Revisited: Padway-3. [GURPS 4e]

Hobart (Quantum 6) [GURPS 4e]

Hobart (Quantum 6) – Google Docs

Hobart (Quantum 6)


This timeline is on the front lines of the Infinity-Centrum war: it is a former echo that was shifted into Quantum 7 in 1899 when covert Centran operatives intervened to save the life of Vice President Garret Hobart.  Hobart went on to duly succeed President McKinley (instead of Theodore Roosevelt) when McKinley was assassinated in 1901; his policies as President allowed for easier Centran infiltration of the timeline.  However, in late 1903 holdout Infinity agents managed to disrupt Centrum’s ongoing secret medical treatment of Hobart; the President has already had one heart attack, and has just announced that he will not be seeking election in 1904.  This shifted the timeline back to Quantum 6, thus allowing Infinity to make contact with its operatives and recommit to taking back the timeline completely.


The fight continues.


Hobart, 1904 AD


Current Affairs

The United States of America is about to have an election cycle unlike anything it has ever seen.


Divergence Point

1899: Centran agents save the life of Vice President Hobart, thus preventing Teddy Roosevelt’s Presidency.


Major Civilizations

Western (Diffuse), Chinese (Empire), Orthodox (Diffuse)


Great Powers

Substantively identical to Homeline’s, circa 1904


Worldline Data

TL: 5

Quantum: 6 (unstable)

Mana Level: None

Centrum Zone: Red

Infinity Level: P3


Outworld Involvement


While most local political observers in Hobart may suspect that the 1904 election promises to be extremely exciting — after all, there will be no incumbent President, no Vice President at all, and the nomination for both parties appears to be wide open — the full lengths that both Centrum and Infinity will go through to make sure the ‘right’ candidate wins have yet to be determined.  The Centrans have the simpler task: they want both parties to nominate internationalists who support partnering government with industry in order to efficiently develop the country. Centrum also wants the next President to be an isolationist who will let the Europeans destroy themselves, but that’s a long-term goal.  The problem for Centrum is that they’re remarkably bad at rigging elections; usually that doesn’t matter, but Infinity is now back in the picture, so it does.


Infinity’s problem is the inverse of Centrum’s: they know how to fix an election, but there’s no consensus on who to throw it to.  The easiest solution is to get Roosevelt the nomination and the election, but he’d unquestionably serve until 1912 in that scenario and when that happened the timeline would probably shift quantum levels again. Unfortunately, every other possibility is a giant unknown; the timeline is sensitive to quantum shifts, and even Centrum apparently has difficulty predicting the results of any one act of changing history.  And, of course, everybody with an informed opinion on the subject also has a pet academic theory to flog.


It may all end in barely-disguised shootouts between Centran and Infinity personnel — Centrum has already made two attempts on the life of Princeton University President Woodrow Wilson, which has forced Infinity to take the unpleasant duty of keeping him alive — while the timeline hops around the Quantums like a water drop hops around a griddle.  There are agents on both sides that might welcome such a scenario, in fact.  The constant having to try to second-guess which action might blow up in one’s face today has been extremely tiring, for everybody involved. Simply shooting the Bad Guys and going home has its appeal.



The material presented here is my original creation, intended for use with the GURPS system from Steve Jackson Games. This material is not official and is not endorsed by Steve Jackson Games.

GURPS is a registered trademarks of Steve Jackson Games, and the art here is copyrighted by Steve Jackson Games. All rights are reserved by SJ Games. This material is used here in accordance with the SJ Games online policy.

Cow Ninja [GURPS 4e].

Blame this.

Cow Ninja – Google Docs

Cow Ninja

Stats: use the Oxen stats from pg 460 of GURPS Basic Set: Campaigns, but increase DX and IQ to 10, and add Intolerance [Humans], Acting-12, Brawling-14, and Stealth-12.


Actually, by laughing at this you are demonstrating that you fundamentally misunderstand the nature of the ninja.  The black pajamas thing is historically inaccurate; ninja were portrayed that way because the bunraku (puppet theater) tradition associated dark clothing with invisibility in Japanese culture.  In reality, ninja dressed in a way that was inconspicuous.  Or, in the case of cow ninja, in a way that deflected suspicion.

Continue reading Cow Ninja [GURPS 4e].

Destinium [GURPS 4e]

If Nobilis taught me anything, it was that it’s very interesting to see what ends up exploding when you give PCs the ability to make their dreams come true.

Destinium – Google Docs



Various Hells think that Destinium is an overbearing tool of the hated Creator Who first forced demons into their exile. Various Heavens think that Destinium is a foul concoction brewed by the very Adversary himself in order to more easily destroy mankind. Various organizations aware of the supernatural, the metaphysical, parallel dimensions, alternate timelines, the spirit world, the Great Old Ones, primal energies, tears in reality, the collective tangible unconscious, the ongoing manifestation of the Plane of the Dreamers upon this one, or the Just Plain Weird simply ban Destinium on sight.  And why does everybody hate it so much?  Because it messes up everybody’s plans, very much including the people it infects.  

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The Pangloss Society [GURPS 4e]

Pangloss Society – Google Docs

The Pangloss Society

“Seeking the best of all possible worlds.”


It is a measure of the Pangloss Society that a surprising number of its lowest-ranked acolytes do not quite realize that Professor Pangloss is a fictional character, and that his adoption as the guiding light of the Society was a cynical joke. It is also a measure of the Society that the aforementioned cynics who formed it were shoved out of leadership positions a decade ago, to be replaced by celebrities with more money than — pretty much anything else, really. Although, to be fair: under the celebrities’ leadership the Pangloss Society has been fairly benign. Or at least mostly harmless.

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GURPS Revisited: Fanboy-1 (Quantum 5) [GURPS 4e]

And this is the other one.

Fanboy-1 (Quantum 5) – Google Docs

Fanboy-1 (Quantum 5)

(With apologies to Ken Hite and Kim Newman)

On paper Fanboy-1 is, if not a cash cow, at least a cash goat for Infinity. It’s a world where most of the greats of science fiction, fantasy, and horror fiction have had more productive careers; the resulting works are valuable not only on Homeline, but in almost any timeline with a divergence point after about 1945. All of which leads to a certain reluctance to officially notice what might be faint warning signs.

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GURPS Revisited: Incognito (Quantum 5) [GURPS 4e]

Have to put this one and the next one back up because I need good links for the new piece that I’m doing.

Incognito (Quantum 5) – Google Docs


Incognito (Quantum 5)


This Quantum 5 world diverged from Homeline’s on March 28th, 1911, 7:00 PM Greenwich Mean Time.  This date is not actually known to Infinity’s researchers; they have at this point only narrowed the divergence point to somewhere in the spring of 1911.  What appears to have happened was that some sort of global quantum effect (translation: “nobody knows”) thoroughly randomized human conceptions across the planet: no one conceived past that point has a precise genetic match to the equivalent person in Homeline’s history.  

Continue reading GURPS Revisited: Incognito (Quantum 5) [GURPS 4e]

Neo-rocs [GURPS 4e].

Neo-rocs – Google Docs



(Struthio neocamelus nivenus)


Description: imagine an ostrich.  Now imagine that ostrich as being the chick form of a larger, winged bird, capable of carrying off an elephant in its talons.  Now scale that bird down to the point where it still can comfortably carry a Halfling wearing twice her weight in gear and tack.  They are generally docile enough, even with non-Halflings; but neo-rocs thrive best under the care of Halflings, and the Halflings themselves believe that the best neo-roc riders and handlers are female.

Continue reading Neo-rocs [GURPS 4e].