In Nomine Revisited: Dubbiel, Renegade Habbalite of Fate.

Dubbiel, Renegade Habbalite of Fate – Google Docs


Renegade Habbalite of Fate
Corporeal Forces: 5 Strength: 11 Agility: 9
Ethereal Forces: 4 Intelligence: 8 Precision: 8
Celestial Forces: 5 Will: 12 Perception: 8

Vessel: human male/4, Charisma +1

Skills: Climbing/1, Dodge/6, Emote/3, Fighting/4, Knowledge (AK: Home Area/4, Christian Theology/2, Fate/3, The Game/3), Language (English/3, Spanish/3), Large Weapon/6 (Sword), Lying/2, Move Silently/3, Ranged Weapon/5 (Shotgun), Survival/3 (Urban)

Songs: Attraction (Corporeal/4), Blood (Celestial/3), Entropy (Ethereal/3), Essence (Corporeal/2, Celestial/2), Healing (Corporeal/2), Motion (Ethereal/2, Celestial/6), Nimbus (Corporeal/5, Ethereal/4, Celestial/3), Numinous Corpus/6 (Wings), Shields (All/2), Succor (Corporeal/3), Thunder/6, Tongues (Ethereal/2)

Attunements: Habbalite of Fate, Impudite of Fate, Bad Company, Fated Future, File Extraction

Discord: Merciful/3

Role: Bum/6, Status/2 (Long story, so read it below)

Artifacts: Sword: Corporeal Artifact/4 with Summonable; Cup (Reliquary/2)

OK, so possibly he isn’t an angel after all.  But Dubbiel isn’t convinced that he’s a demon, either.  Right now, he’s not sure just what he is. Continue reading In Nomine Revisited: Dubbiel, Renegade Habbalite of Fate.

In Nomine Revisited: ‘A Real Friend.’

This one is so old I had to fix the dates. It was also written before 9/11 (I believe), when we were all more cavalier about terrorists and buildings and whatnot. I myself don’t know how insouciant I’d be on the subject if I was writing it today, and I kind of resent that.

A Real Friend – Google Docs

A Real Friend

There’s a bit of a problem.  To be specific, there are lots of bits of about eight or so problems.

You see, about eighty five years or so there was a bit of a firefight in a construction area.  It was one of those fun, zany little adventures that was fraught with enormous weight at the time — the Destiny/Fate of nations hanging on a thread, the future of humanity itself at stake, the usual stuff — but is not currently noteworthy except as the metaphysical equivalent of a Trivial Pursuit question.  Indeed, it wouldn’t even be that if it weren’t for the fact that the event spawned a minor record: ‘most Vessel replacements made during a single combat lasting less than twenty minutes’ (thirteen).

The holder of this record is Vern, a Malakite of Trade who happens to have extraordinarily good contacts among his Word’s logistics organization.  That night, he needed them: he kept getting shot out of his vessel by an incredibly obnoxious piece of Vaputech, and the usual Malakite rapid-response teams were busy putting out other fires, so he kept grabbing spare vessels and jumping back into the fight.  Well, eventually Heaven was victorious, the demons defeated, dead or fled and Vern and his allies had won the day.

  Continue reading In Nomine Revisited: ‘A Real Friend.’

Hypezokos, Impudite of Fate [GURPS IN NOMINE]

Ah, I remember this one. To explain the joke: the Archangel of Flowers for In Nomine is called Novalis, and she is a happy-shiny, sweet, hippie kind of Archangel. Her angels, are in fact, required to avoid committing any acts of unnecessary violence.

But there are so many complexities inherent in the term ‘unnecessary.’ I regret that the line effectively stopped being supported before it was her turn for a full write up; I had such plans for that Archangel.  Especially the part where I wrote up Novalis to be the most avowedly anti-Communist Archangel in Heaven. It would have been a glorious battle in playtest.


Hypezokos (Impudite of Fate) – Google Docs

Continue reading Hypezokos, Impudite of Fate [GURPS IN NOMINE]

In Nomine Revisited: Daisy, Habbalite Archangel of Cheerfulness.

Once upon a time, there was a contest on the In Nomine List to come up with the single most horrifying and horrible Demon Prince that we could possibly think of.  Something… foul, and squicky. Something thoroughly vile.

This was my entry.

Daisy – Google Docs



Habbalite Archangel of Cheerfulness

The world is just so sweet and lovely that I could just hug it and hug it forever! It’s full of puppies, and pretty flowers, and fuzzy sweaters, and oh, all sorts of fun-fun things! Of course, there’s a lot of icky nasty-poo things too, like bugs and frowns, and smelly old people, but we’ll get rid of them all, and then we can all get together and sing happy songs for the rest of eternity!

Don’t you think that’s just swell?!?

I knew you would…

Continue reading In Nomine Revisited: Daisy, Habbalite Archangel of Cheerfulness.

In Nomine Revisited: The Epimetheus Group

Epimetheus Group – Google Docs

The Epimetheus Group

No, actually, being forgotten is precisely how Epimetheus, brother of Prometheus, likes it.  His organization does not want to be known, which is why they’re camped out in the Far Marches of the ethereal plane, mostly safe behind multiple layers of obscurity.  There will be plenty of time for fame and renown once the celestial invaders are sent back to where they belong.

Purpose and Goals

To find some way to break the stranglehold that the inhabitants of the celestial plane have upon the ethereal.

Continue reading In Nomine Revisited: The Epimetheus Group

In Nomine Revisited: The Innsmouth Look.

Since I haven’t been putting up any creative work, because of NaNoWriMo, I thought that I’d pull some of my old In Nomine stuff and put it up.  Terrifyingly, some of it’s almost twenty years old. Yikes.

Innsmouth Look (Celestial) (3_level) – Google Docs

The Innsmouth Look (Celestial) (3/level)

Well, to begin with, don’t ever use that name in front of Lilith, Human Princess of Freedom. Or anyone who owes Lilith a favor. Or anybody who’d like to be owed a favor from Lilith. You get the idea.

The condition is unique to Lilim: it’d be normally considered to be a less severe form of the Ugly Discord (-1 to reaction rolls per level), except for two things.  First, it’s a Celestial Discord, which means that it both manifests on all three planes and interferes with Essence gathering.  The act of spreading rumors that Lilim afflicted with this Discord can circumvent the latter problem with somewhat disturbing activities is, of course, frowned upon by the Game.  Bright Lilim never manifest this Discord, by the way. Obviously, neither has Lilith.

The second distinguishing factor is that this Discord always manifests in the same way. The symptoms are  differently greenish (and later on, scaly) skin, protuberant eyes, webbed and/or splayed extremities, and a gradually accelerating loss of hair. There’s also a definite personality change as well.  Lilim with higher levels of The Innsmouth Look tend to be distant, emotionless, absently ruthless and fond of swimming.  It’s hard to say: once the Discord reaches a certain level, Lilim suffering from it tend to fade from the public eye, unless of course they happen to serve Lust (Andrealphus apparently is fond of the look — or at least doesn’t seem to care).

This particular Discord is not encountered much. It’s very rare, and apparently untreatable except via Redemption.  It’s also not publicly talked about, either, as the Princess of Freedom has her little ways of demonstrating her disapproval of certain conversational topics.  For that matter, so does the Archangel of Judgement: Dominic hasn’t exactly forbidden that the topic be ever brought up, but the Inquisition will take an interest in anybody taking an interest.

Note to GMs: Springing this Discord on players really does depend on somebody in the party being familiar with the Cthulhu Mythos. If you’re really lucky, said person is also playing a Lilim (which could be good for a bit of existential horror-fun).  I suggest that you just casually describe the physical effects without emphasizing them or making them seem particularly noteworthy.  Eventually somebody will put two and two together and come up with SAN loss…


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In Nomine Revisited: Oddities in the Lightning Organization Chart.

Jean’s Odder Groups – Google Docs

I make no apologies for stealing that one joke. I never have, and I never will.

Oddities in the Lightning Organization Chart


Lightning’s Lunatics

Well, in official correspondence this group is merely called the Creation Trusteeship, but nobody calls them that except Jean, Archangel of Lightning, and his stuffier peers. Aside from everything else, the name is no longer completely accurate: certain angels serving Lightning have become not-quite-official members of this not-quite-official group — usually with a not-quite-inaudible sigh of relief by everyone involved. Mavericks can be a bit of a problem in a properly-organized laboratory, after all. Letting them go to where their eccentricities are not only tolerated, but cherished makes for a serene organizational chart and cuts down on the Falling rate.

Lightning’s Lunatics are where the odd theorists (to orthodox Servitors of Jean, anyway) hang out; savants working with obscure and arcane scientific theories, engineers specializing in unusual technological pathways, and roughly half of Jean’s social scientists. They also tend to have a good number of angels who simply have difficulty fitting into Lightning’s traditional categories. Anyone who can make a successful career at thinking outside the box will find him or herself being gently but irresistibly guided to this group. Most tend not to complain, as the funding remains constant and the company congenial.

Continue reading In Nomine Revisited: Oddities in the Lightning Organization Chart.

In Nomine Revisited: The Necronomicon, v2.3.

I’d apologize for all the puns in this one, except that I don’t like lying to you fine folks.  There may be a few people out there who still haven’t forgiven me for this, a decade later.

Necronomicon, v23

The Necronomicon, v2.3

It’s interesting (if not particularly surprising) that Jean, Archangel of Lightning, is absolutely personally prosaic about naming his creations. If it’s a gun, he calls it a gun. If it’s a particle accelerator, he calls it a particle accelerator. If it’s a computerized mechanical tool designed to resemble a corporeal life form, he calls it a computerized mechanical tool designed to resemble a corporeal life form. Jean prefers things to be clear. However, the Archangel does recognize that his non-Elohim servants tend to favor more ‘colorful’ names, so he lets them indulge themselves. It may not add anything to a particular device’s utility, but it doesn’t take anything away, either, and the boost to morale is slight but measurable.

Continue reading In Nomine Revisited: The Necronomicon, v2.3.

In Nomine Revisited: The Bone Smiths.

Bone Smiths – Google Docs

The Bone Smiths

People are always surprised when they discover that Saminga, the Demon Prince of Death, has quite a few competent artificers working for him.  They probably shouldn’t be: the practice of necromancy is Death’s major operational priority, so it’s not unreasonable to expect his Servitors to be good at it.  That implies a certain institutional knowledge and acceptance of Enchantment among Samingans.  As necromancy is not the only thing that uses the Enchantment skill, it follows then that various Servitors of Death would have branched out into other fields of artifact creation.

In their own particular way. Continue reading In Nomine Revisited: The Bone Smiths.

In Nomine Revisited: Project SHIVA.

Been thinking about this one lately.

Project SHIVA – Google Docs

Project SHIVA


This secret governmental group is a notable example of why Dominic allows Asmodeus to conduct Renegade hunts without real interference. Simply put, it’s a cult of genocidal nihilists — and the brainchild of two Renegade demons: one of Death, and one of Infernal Fire.  And yes, that’s meant to be alarming.


Project SHIVA was, at the start, just another deniable black project started in the middle of the 1950s. Its purpose was macabre, but legitimate enough, in a horrid sort of way: as both the USA and USSR had begun stockpiling nuclear weapons, with the intent to use them if pushed to the brink, it would be advisable to work out how to use them best. After all, if one were forced to destroy the planet, the entire point of the exercise would be moot if said attempted destruction was incomplete. The project members were thus charged to analyze intelligence reports, geographical studies, statistical analyses — in short, look through all the data on Russia (and later, China), the better to find an optimal way to blow the two countries to Hell.


Unfortunately, this sort of job is fairly rough on the average person’s long-term sanity. Trying to find people who wouldn’t crack under the strain was difficult, but eventually the government was able to refine their selection procedure. Alas, they ended up looking for well-adjusted but callous entities, and they succeeded beyond their wildest dreams: one of their analysts turned out to be Gregory, Renegade Balseraph of Death.

Continue reading In Nomine Revisited: Project SHIVA.