#rsrh I’m not trying to take sides in the FL-09 primary.

Seriously.  FL-09 is the district that’s going to end up having Alan Grayson as the Democratic nominee, which makes it doubly important that the Republican primary not descend to any sort of negativity.  Grayson’s campaign, like any other cornered Rattus norvegicus, will undoubtedly seize upon anything that might distract from their central problem: to wit, that their candidate is Alan Grayson.  So I wish to be careful about this until the August primary.  Accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative, that sort of thing.

Fortunately, finding out that GOP House candidate Mark Oxner is a Philip K Dick fan counts as a positive – at least, to me.  I wish I had known that he read SF when I met with him recently; I would have brought it up.

Moe Lane

#rsrh Laying Down Romney Markers Watch: the Politico.

Now this is what I call good, thorough – and above all, comprehensive – sucking up by The Daily Beast:

President Romney? He’d Have to Thank Obama for Improving Picture

It’s way too early to say who the next president will be. But even now, in June, we can already predict at least one outcome of November’s election: if Mitt Romney ends up winning the White House, he will have a better shot at success than many of his presidential predecessors—and he will have Barack Obama to thank for the leg up.

This is how you do it, folks. This is how you kiss a politician’s rear end when you don’t even know which Presidential posterior you’ll end up be puckering up for. It’s almost Platonic in its purity. If you’re in Team Obama, you get so many warm fuzzies about being told how awesome your President was in turning an admittedly frightening yet decidedly temporary economic meltdown into the Great Recession that you hopefully won’t notice that The Daily Beast is figuring that your guy has an excellent chance at being a one-termer; and if you’re on Team Romney you’re going to be so pleased at having a Lefty site treat Romney as being worth sucking up to that you maybe won’t realize that they’re effectively announcing that they’re sucking up to what they think is an empty suit. Continue reading #rsrh Laying Down Romney Markers Watch: the Politico.

Occupiers, NATO, Chicago, & Molotov cocktails.

You know how this ends.

Tell me you’re surprised.

Three out-of-state men arrested in a Bridgeport apartment raid days before the NATO summit were charged with conspiracy to commit terrorism, providing material support for terrorism and possession of an explosive or incendiary device, their attorney and police said early Saturday.

The arrests were the result of a month-long investigation into a group suspected of making Molotov cocktails — crude bombs usually created by filling glass bottles with gasoline, according to law enforcement sources and police records obtained by the Tribune.

Can’t do it, huh? Continue reading Occupiers, NATO, Chicago, & Molotov cocktails.

#rsrh Hey, is President Obama touchy about his (perhaps lack of) basketball skills?

Because I think – and interestingly enough, I think that Senator Scott Brown (R-MA) thinks – that the President may be just a little bit, ah, reluctant to get on the court with somebody with absolutely no reservations whatsoever about beating him.

Via AoSHQ.

Moe Lane Continue reading #rsrh Hey, is President Obama touchy about his (perhaps lack of) basketball skills?