Awesome Watch: “They Might Be Giants covers Chumbawamba.”

For the Onion AV Club, which got to provide the backup vocals.

They Might Be Giants covers Chumbawamba

The only way that this could have been improved would have been for John Flansburgh to have worn an Iron Man suit… no, no, that would have caused the Singularity, and I can’t have the Singularity happen before I do laundry.

Via Nodwick.
Continue reading Awesome Watch: “They Might Be Giants covers Chumbawamba.”

George Stephanopoulos thinks Ben Franklin isn’t a Founding Father?

Via Instapundit, Jeffrey Lord is having fun lecturing George Stephanopoulos by mentioning Founding Fathers who opposed slavery, contra Stephanopoulos’ rather ignorant statement here to Rep. Michele Bachmann:

For example earlier this year you said that the Founding Fathers who wrote the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence worked tirelessly to end slavery. Now with respect Congresswoman, that’s just not true.

We can go ’round and ’round about whether John Quincy Adams counts – I personally would have him count as one, or at least not quibble overmuch over it – but let’s talk about some non-Virginians, shall we?

  • Benjamin Franklin. If Ben Franklin isn’t a Founding Father, then the term is meaningless anyway. Long sympathetic to abolitionist views, he spent the last years of his life (and the first years of the public) as an open advocate for abolition and integration.
  • John Adams. Also on every list of Founding Fathers that there are. Balance his reluctance to push for too-public a dispute over slavery with his writing the Declaration of the Rights of the Inhabitants of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts portion of the Massachusetts Constitution.
  • John Jay. Likewise on the lists (also, first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court). Despite being a slaveowner himself, Jay pushed for abolition and manumission in New York for over twenty years; he finally succeeded in passing manumission legislation as Governor.

Continue reading George Stephanopoulos thinks Ben Franklin isn’t a Founding Father?

…Well, the iPad’s nice for Netflix.

But as a tool for fast and easy video editing/publishing?  Well, it’d be nice if iMovies would remove the thumb from its electronic tuchis long enough to explain exactly WHAT KIND OF VIDEO FILES AND CAMERAS IT WILL DEIGN TO RECOGNIZE.  I don’t know: possibly I’m just spoiled by using real computers all the time, but I take the quaint attitude that you’re not supposed to just guess what cameras will work with a given piece of software.  For that matter, I also apparently have this strange, non-Apple notion in my noggin that enabling your software to work with non-Apple blessed formats makes the software more valuable.

Dammit, if I had known that this particular brand of tablet was going to be like this, I would have gotten one that doesn’t try to force you to buy an iPhone.  Which are about to get locked out of the guerrilla recording game anyway; I can think of at least twenty national governments who would happily acquire and use technology that would automatically disrupts iPhone video and photo recording.  Including our current Presidential administration*, most likely.

Grr.  Arrgh.

Moe Lane

*That would be the Democratic one, for the benefit of future researchers.

Moe Lane

Good Thad was on the House floor this morning.

I like Rep Thaddeus Cotter (R, MI): I truly do.  But there’s Good Thad, and then there’s Bad Thad; and sometimes you don’t know which one that you’re going to have show up.

Here’s Good Thad, talking this morning about Led Zeppelin and the Democrats’ decision to shut down the government in order to keep trying to subsidize abortion providers with your tax money*.  Don’t worry: he ties the two together.

Via @diggerbii.

Moe Lane

*Subsidizing the troops, on the other hand, is a completely different story.

Ah, yes. “Game.”

I was debating whether or not to link to this Instapundit link to a “pick-up artist’s” (PUA) defensive dismissal of Glenn’s and Kay Hymowitz’s dismissal of the entire PUA thing, and then I asked myself why I was debating.  And then I realized that it was because I know that if I do then there’s a non-trivial chance that a bunch of sex nerds will then descend upon my comments section and attempt to digital alpha-male it via the use of spurious logic*.   In other words, merely an aesthetic issue on my part.

Well, when it comes to geekery in a topic that I am not a hardcore geek in, there’s only one group that gets to do that here, and it’s these guys:

[watches the video]

Good God.  I actually have to put this video under the fold.  It’s kind of NSFW: Continue reading Ah, yes. “Game.”