PRC mocks PotUS.

[I’ve been sitting on this all day, hoping for a perfectly logical explanation.  Alas, no dice.]

The PRC had one of their pet pianists play an anti-American, Korean War-inspired ditty (did you know that we’re jackals?  Did you also know that Marxists are incompetent buffoons who can’t feed themselves, or the countries that they manage to control?) at the White House without the administration twigging to that fact.  And it wasn’t really an accident, either.  Supposedly, everybody in the PRC with a television set (under different circumstances I could have written that out as ‘everybody in Taiwan,’ but then Taiwan is a First World nation, while the PRC is a Third World one with nukes) was tipped the wink to watch ahead of time.  Got to love the professionals running the US Government these days, huh?

You know, I had a rather elaborate and convoluted post planned out on how an imaginary American pianist played a thoroughly anti-Chinese (and still popular!) song right under the noses of PRC bigwigs, but this failed because American culture has been rather ruthless about stomping on that kind of thing recently.  The best example I could come up with on short notice was “Chin Chin Chinaman,” which is from the 1890s and isn’t even American.  Besides, to make it particularly true to life it would have ended with the PRC seizing the pianist, shooting him, then charging the American embassy for the bullet.  That would have spoiled the ‘joke’ by making it unbelievable: even this President couldn’t have ignored that.

I think.

Ach, well: as the Russians would say, the current Chinese dynasty has always been a bit nyeh kulturny.

Moe Lane (crosspost)

Quote and Video of the Day.

First the video (which commemorates yesterday’s historic booting of the first female Speaker of the House), via Ace of Spades HQ (and let me note that I would never stoop so low as to make a video that mocked a fallen political figure in such a purely-superficial fashion*).

Next, here’s the quote (also via AoSHQ), which discusses the amazing reaction that the Left is having towards the Right’s (quite accurate) assumption that the Democratic party’s legislators has not actually read the US Constitution lately, and that it’s best to sit them down and make them listen to it so that there’s no excuse for further shenanigans:

November’s elections and today’s reading of the Constitution and the debate it’s sparking is a step in the right direction for those of us who prefer a more modest, text based interpretation. You can tell that’s the case by the reaction of liberals to today’s event. You’d think they were vampires and Republicans just pulled out a cross or something. Perhaps if we keep holding the Constitution up to them, they’ll burst into flames. It’s worth a shot.

It’d certainly make for riveting C-SPAN.

Moe Lane (crosspost) Continue reading Quote and Video of the Day.

RIP Blake Edwards, 1922-2010.

I just got the email that director Blake Edwards has passed; he was 88 years old.

Edwards, of course, was the director for the Pink Panther/Inspector Clouseau movies, among many others.  It is a measure of the man’s skill that I have never forgotten this clip from The Pink Panther Strikes Again:

I don’t know why it stuck in my head, but it did.  But then, Blake Edwards always did like to make movies that did that.

Moe Lane

Continue reading RIP Blake Edwards, 1922-2010.

#rsrh Why, that miserable [expletive deleted].

Senator Debbie Stabenow (D) has divorced her husband – and, frankly, she should have gotten one free kick in the groin in, too.  This stems from an incident in 2006 where then-husband Thomas Athans got arrested for soliciting a prostitute.  David Catanese calls the details ‘not pretty,’ and I agree:

Athans, 46 at the time, was not charged with soliciting and testified against the 21-year-old Westland woman. The woman was sentenced to probation on a charge of misdemeanor trespassing.

The older I get, the more hard-nosed (and less libertarian) I become about prostitution*.  But there’s something off-putting about a john being able to skate on a solicitation arrest by testifying against a hooker on a misdemeanor charge.  You have to wonder whether the sentence “Do you know who I am?” was uttered at any point during the initial arrest… and whether it, indeed, made a difference…

Moe Lane Continue reading #rsrh Why, that miserable [expletive deleted].

#rsrh House GOP boringly kills Globowarming committee.

(Via Hot Air) Just to be clear: it’s not enough to simply shut down the House Select Committee on Global Warming. (OK, real fast: the Democratic leadership created a committee in 2007 to pontificate on study global warming; said committee has been pretty much a exercise in grandstanding ever since, and the new Republican House leadership is going to get rid of it just as soon as they can.  Hence, ‘shut down.’)

Oh, no.  That’s too nice.  And not nearly ritualistic enough. Continue reading #rsrh House GOP boringly kills Globowarming committee.

#rsrh Sadness in LA-03.

Well, for given values of ‘sadness:’

Seeming to concede the race, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee doesn’t even list [Ravi] Sangisetty on its website outlining the races and candidates it’s tracking around the country.

A spokesman for the DCCC says no money is planned for the 3rd District so far.

It’s just kind of… weird.  The DCCC was all about the open seats a while back; sure, this is a R+12 district and everything, but there was a Democratic incumbent there who was popular enough to get him promoted all the way up to being the sacrificial lamb running against David Vitter in the Senate race.  They could have put some oomph behind this Sangisetty guy.  instead, they just – never even tried.

Is it the last name, I wonder?  I bet that it was the last name.

Moe Lane

PS: Jeff Landry for LA-03.

NH-GOV: Stephen (R) now within MoE.

Rasmussen shows a fairly unexpected primary bounce in NH for GOP gubernatorial candidate John Stephen: the race has gone from 50/39 Lynch/Stephen to 48/46 Lynch/Stephen.  Polling for this race has been somewhat sparse, but it should be noted that there has been notable movement towards in both the Rasmussen and PPP polls.  With the NH-SEN and NH-02 (no good recent polling on NH-01) races showing a definite break towards the GOP, Lynch may have to start worrying.

And so should national Democrats: it will not fit their narrative if the New Hampshire GOP runs the table next Election Night, and if this poll bears up, that’s now a genuine threat.  In other words, rumors of the extinction of the New England Republican may have ended up being a bit premature…

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.

Speaking Truth to Power: Cedra Crenshaw vs. the Illinois Combine.

Quick background: Cedra Crenshaw (website here) is a conservative Tea Party activist – and, not incidentally, one that NAACP President Ben Jealous would happily call a ‘race traitor,’ if it weren’t for the minor fact that not even the media would ignore that kind of hypocrisy – who is trying to stay on the ballot for Illinois state senator. Emphasis on ‘trying:’ she’s fighting having her candidacy tossed for reasons that Eric Holder would be firing up a civil-rights investigation… if it weren’t for that fact that Holder undoubtedly considers her a race traitor, too.

Hey. It’s not my fault that the Democratic party refuses to do anything about its racist elements. Besides give them powers of trust and authority, that is.

Moving along, the Tea Parties aren’t precisely willing to accept the Democratic Party’s race-based shenanigans, and they’re more than happy to speak truth to power, afflict the comfortable, and engage in all those other behaviors that have been sanctified by a half-century of Lefty usage:

Continue reading Speaking Truth to Power: Cedra Crenshaw vs. the Illinois Combine.