What’s with this ‘unthinkable’ nonsense?

I’ve been thinking about how to get at least the House back in 2010 since Jim Martin‘s implosion, Fleming’s survival, and Cao’s upset demonstrated that the President’s get-people-elected charisma had a half-life of, oh, about four weeks.

Which is not to say that Brian York’s article on the subject is bad: it’s pretty good as a summary of current thinking (short version: the Democrats  are paying the price for getting grabby).  I just reject the thought that we’re just now getting to our feet.  Some of us jumped right back up after the election, thank you very much…

Crossposted to RedState.

If you’re losing Ben Cardin (D-MD)…

…a Senator who is barely known for defeating Michael Steele in the 2006 election (honestly, Maryland does not have particularly interesting Senators; sorry about that) – anyway, if you can’t get Ben Cardin to sign off on your ‘astroturf’ rhetoric, well, you have a branding problem.  Watch as he manfully attempts to avoid sweating on national television over the mess that his higher-ups have landed him in:

Cardin probably saw this poll (via @RobertBluey). 71% of adults want to attend a town hall involving health care, and are currently pegged at 50% for, 45% against. Turn those numbers into likely voters… and now you know why Senator Blanche Lincoln (D-AR) suddenly doesn’t think that health care rationing protesters are ‘un-American‘ after all. Not that she’s planning to actually face all those protesters; even if they are also 2010 voters…

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.

I think that it might even be worse then getting Wales*.

People are trying to get the perfect title for this story:

Patrizia D’Addario: Silvio Berlusconi offered me a seat in European Parliament

The prostitute at the centre of the sex scandal involving Silvio Berlusconi says that the Italian Prime Minister offered her a seat in the European Parliament.

…but I don’t know. There’s a certain simplicity to that, right there.  Besides, I’m sure that if I actually read Italian I’d be rolling on the ground in response to these.

Moe Lane

PS: Chintzy so-and-so.

*Classical reference.

Crossposted to RedState.

Carradine’s Lawyer suggests death due to martial arts assassins.

I will hide nothing from you: I think that this theory is absurd, and I am prepared to believe it anyway.  Via @baseballcrank:

‘Whack’y Kung Fu

Wow, but the New York Post is good at headlines.

A secret sect of kung fu assassins could have silenced actor David Carradine as he delved into their shadowy activities, according to his family’s lawyer.

In a twist that could be straight out of one the “Kill Bill” star’s movies, attorney Mark Geragos suggested that Carradine may have been killed as he tried to uncover groups working in the martial-arts underworld.

I am prepared to believe it primarily because it is, in the end, a far more reputable end for David Carradine than the rather depressing, and embarrassing alternative*.  There are times when you have to embrace objective reality, and there are times when you probably shouldn’t.  I see no real harm in ‘probably shouldn’t,’ this one specific time – as long as it’s understood in advance and it’s aboveboard that that’s what happening.

So… secret kung fu assassins. No problem.  We’ll go with that.

Moe Lane

*Which all of you know by now, and which I am going to avoid bringing up, solely because it bothers Little Miss Attila a little when somebody does.