Mass Effect: Andromeda gameplay (Exploration and Discovery).

Mass Effect: Andromeda looks… more like an RPG than ME2 and ME3 did.  I really do think that they went back to the first game and took a good, hard look at it to see what worked. Which is fine by me, since I’m as much of a fan of the first game as I was the second and third one.

This Middle Earth: Shadow of War… wait. No. Please stop.

That’s not how this works, Middle Earth: Shadow of War.

That’s not how any of this works.

I mean, did they read the books? …They didn’t read the books, did they.  Also: now we know that people really can’t come back from the grave, because if they could JRR Tolkien would have over this.  With CS Lewis.  And a Sherman tank.

Mass Effect: Andromeda specs out.

Doesn’t look like I need to replace my machine quite yet if I want to play Mass Effect: Andromeda.  On the other hand, I’m running an AMD Radeon R9 280 3GB. I’m not sure how that’s going to stack up to this. On the gripping hand, I designed said machine around Witcher 3‘s recommended stats, and those stats turned out to be over-generous… Continue reading Mass Effect: Andromeda specs out.

So, there’s the new Mass Effect: Andromeda character has been announced.

Name of Jaal. He kind of looks like a space squid-cat, only all noble-like and such. …And I cannot find a single story about the character that doesn’t eventually lead into the awkward fact that hordes of Bioware fans are already trying to figure out how to have their Mass Effect: Andromeda characters have sex with him. Hell, some aren’t even bothering with ‘eventually lead:’ it’s all about the alien sexing and the players who sex ’em, right from the start. Continue reading So, there’s the new Mass Effect: Andromeda character has been announced.

If the word ‘reeducate’ unironically shows up in your gaming post, just delete the entire post.

Seriously. If at any point in an essay or argument you find yourself saying how players of video games (or any other amusement) need to be ‘reeducated,’ I am afraid that you have pretty much hosed your position, and you should definitely abandon it on the spot.  Don’t throw good money after bad on this one, folks: you won’t be able to salvage whatever you’ve already invested anyway.  Instead, you have to show some moral courage and cut your losses.

Why?  Because when you’re at the point of discussing the best way to make people change their minds on something, whether they want to or not, then you are at least flirting with the idea that people are things.  …That attitude rarely ends well. It certainly won’t end in ‘reeducation.’

Moe Lane

PS: If I was gonna link to the article that spawned this thought, I would have.