Pelosi, Hoyer, and Clyburn share a smaller pie.

I’m not… appalled: this is minority-party business, and as such is not likely to interfere with the real business of the House anyway.  But… wow.  Just… wow.  They’re going to short-circuit the looming Hoyer/Clyburn Minority Whip fight by giving Clyburn an extra-special new #3 position, just for him!  No word on the duties, privileges, job description, or even the name of said position (I suggest Super-Magical Double-Rainbow Space Pony Universe Champion, but that’s just me) – but it’s definitely the #3 slot!

The real question is: is this an opportunity to go after Hoyer (and thus what remaining House ‘moderates’ still survive) by putting Clyburn into a position to weaken the Whip’s job?  Or is this yet another instance where Pelosi and her party demonstrates the soft bigotry of lowered expectations by giving the senior African-American Democrat* in Congress a meaningless title (while making sure that Clyburn stays in his assigned place in the Democratic party’s hierarchy)?  I could see it going either way… or maybe the Democratic leadership just doesn’t care enough about either group to favor one above the other.  Which would honestly not surprise me in the slightest, honestly.

Via Hot Air.

Moe Lane (crosspost)

*I’ll have to get used to distinguishing between Democratic and Republican African-Americans in Congress now, I guess.  Aw, shucks.

Sen Kent Conrad (D, ND) & I agree!

Reversing the fiscal insanity that’s been unleashed upon us by the Democratic party would be a good thing, even if it means that some politicians lose their jobs.  I am completely in favor of this policy.  I think that I want to take this policy in hand and make sure it’s eating properly.  In fact, I have a list of Senators whose firing in 2012 would be an excellent start along the lines that Conrad has proposed: Continue reading Sen Kent Conrad (D, ND) & I agree!

#rsrh Mountains, molehills, Indonesia.

I have to admit, I’m with Ed Morrissey here.  If you’re the President and you’re in a foreign country during the week where they’re having their equivalent of Veteran’s Day, you say nice things about their veterans.  Granted, President Obama shouldn’t be in Indonesia this week; he should be in the USA, answering questions about why he’s pursuing a domestic policy agenda that the American people voted last week to have dragged out into a field and set on fire.  But since he’s there, it’s nice that at least he’s not causing a minor international incident.  For a change.

Ah, how low the bar has been set for this man…

#rsrh QotD, Make This Woman Minority Leader Edition.

Nancy Pelosi, on how having an 33% approval rating and her face on every Republican ad for the past year had nothing to do with the Great Shellacking:

“We didn’t lose the election because of me,” Ms. Pelosi told National Public Radio in an interview that aired Friday morning. “Our members do not accept that.”

Well, the Democratic Members of Congress who will still have jobs in January might not accept that. The rest… are dead to Nancy, anyway, so their opinion doesn’t really signify.

Via Hot Air Headlines.

Moe Lane

PS: Nancy Pelosi for House Minority Leader.  We’d like to circle around for another strafing run.

I don’t believe I’m doing this. (Mass Effect spoilers)

Since I started playing Mass Effect, the effing Citadel Council has been a royal pain in the ass to my Spectre.  “Ooh, we can’t have humans as Spectres!”  “Ick, the Spectre is having funny visions!”  “We’re going to lock you down and not let you save the galaxy!  Nyah!”  And I knew – because of what happens in Mass Effect 2 when you play the games out of order – what could happen to these SOBs.  I have been looking forward to it, in fact.

And now that it’s at the decision point…

Dammit, dammit, dammit.  Effing Paragon Hi-I’m-Playing-a-Girl-Scout-Lawful-Good-Mage-Adept. Who thought that it was a good idea to put morality into a effing video game, anyway?

Moe Lane

[UPDATE]: OK, there’s something be said for being the cavalry.

#rsrh Newsweek merging with the Daily Beast.




So, now it’s wor… Oh, never mind: somebody beat me to the joke already.



Moe Lane

PS: The best part?  Used to be that these kinds of transactions were vanity purchases on the part of the print entity.