And on that note…

…I need to get ready for a SCA event.

In the meantime, I saw the words ‘G-Force trailer’ and prepared the snark… until I watched the trailer.

We call that ‘cognitive dissonance.’ And ‘well, at least it’s a Jerry Bruckheimer film.’ Yes, that’s a selling point: Jerry knows what I want to see in a film, and he makes sure that I see it.

A probably trite observation on ‘stimulus’ jobs.

It was, nonetheless, an alarming thought to wake up to:  even if you accept the concept that the ‘stimulus’ bill that Congress saddled on us is creating jobs –

And that’s subject to debate:

…we’re shifting any jobs generated away from useful ones, like manufacturing, and towards useless ones, like government.

Have a nice morning!

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.

Two random cable-binging movie observations.

This isn’t exactly a stunning revelation or anything, but seeing the Michael Keaton Batman after you’ve seen The Dark Knight is… interesting. The first isn’t bad, but it’s definitely nothing like the second.

Also, Con Air is living proof that a movie doesn’t actually have to make any coherent sense in order to be great. Or at least worth watching again.

Read this for the ‘blood simple’ concept alone.

The rest of it is worth reading, too – but this part is really important:

Furthermore, it seems that many Republicans have become blood simple. A phrase, I’m told, which refers to the stupid robotic state that people sometimes fall into when they’ve seen blood shed or have shed blood themselves.

Some Republicans are so shell-shocked the jump at any moderately-loud noise. They’re spooked. Their nerves are shot. They are no longer capable of distinguishing between outgoing fire and incoming fire. They hear fire of any kind, and they jump to the ground and extend their hands over their heads in prone surrender.

These people need to realize their nerves are shot and that they are no longer suitable for political combat and shut the hell up.

By the way, there is no shame in having had this happen to you. It is not a sign of personal weakness. Sometimes people just get overwhelmed, that’s all.

Crossposted to RedState.

Elections have consequences, Indiana Jones.

I (like Hot Air) fully agree with Harrison Ford: this is not the time to drop a whole new round of potentially job-destroying fees on any struggling business. Particularly when it comes to a struggling business that’s as struggling as the aviation business:


Moe Lane

PS: “I like Ike,” remember? Ever wonder why that line got cheered? Sheesh.

Crossposted to RedState.

No longer traveling.

But, apparently, my mom’s cable modem refuses to admit that my laptop exists, let alone is worthy of an Ethernet connection.  This is simply going to limit my presence for the next couple of days.

In the meantime, I got this from Lorie ByrdI promise to give full attribution as soon as I can get Adode Flash Player up and running on my mom’s new laptop, I swear. Done.