I have heard rumblings about the new background.

Which I like, even if it is designed to be a wallpaper and not a blog background.  I mean, I liked the old one, too; but I found out that it wasn’t actually public domain after all and the artist never got back to me.

Still, if somebody has a good one that is public domain – or that the artist doesn’t mind me using – by all means, feel free to present it.

Get the facts on Dihydrogen Monoxide.

If you haven’t familiarized yourself with DHMO.org yet, please do: it’s a invaluable website that gives you the facts about a silent threat.  From the FAQ:

Dihydrogen Monoxide (DHMO) is a colorless and odorless chemical compound, also referred to by some as Dihydrogen Oxide, Hydrogen Hydroxide, Hydronium Hydroxide, or simply Hydric acid. Its basis is the highly reactive hydroxyl radical, a species shown to mutate DNA, denature proteins, disrupt cell membranes, and chemically alter critical neurotransmitters. The atomic components of DHMO are found in a number of caustic, explosive and poisonous compounds such as Sulfuric Acid, Nitroglycerine and Ethyl Alcohol.

To give you an idea of just how widespread this problem is, consider this: when Charles Sullenberger landed his plane safely, his primary concern afterwards was making sure that all of the people in his charge had as little exposure to DHMO as possible – and that plane was positively dripping with the stuff, thanks to the crash knocking things around.

Yes.  It’s that much of a threat to us all.

Support the Rangel Rule Bill!

“Come, man!” cried Carthoris. “We are not dead yet. Let us hasten to the avenues and make an attempt to leave the city. We are still alive, and while we live we may yet endeavour to direct our own destinies. Of what avail, to sink spineless

It’s not up yet at THOMAS, but really: it’s the thought that counts. From Representative JOHN CARTER OF MARS!… err, actually, Texas’ 31st district (and a Republican, of course), we have this fun little bill:

All U.S. taxpayers would enjoy the same immunity from IRS penalties and interest as House Ways and Means Chairman Charles Rangel (D-NY) and Obama Administration Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, if a bill introduced today by Congressman John Carter (R-TX) becomes law.

Carter, a former longtime Texas judge, today introduced the Rangel Rule Act of 2009, HR 735, which would prohibit the Internal Revenue Service from charging penalties and interest on back taxes against U.S. citizens. Under the proposed law, any taxpayer who wrote “Rangel Rule” on their return when paying back taxes would be immune from penalties and interest.

Via AoSHQ, where they’re just as aware as we are that the Democratic Congress would never dare let this become law. After all, where would the country be if the proletariat was able to access the same considerations and exceptions currently enjoyed by the aristos running the place? – Still, nice point there, Warlord.

What? Has Edgar Rice Burroughs lived in vain? What did some of you people do growing up?

Moe Lane

Crossposted at RedState.

Dear Progressives: we beat you on national security issues. Love, the neoconservatives.

Let the pain start now:

President Obama’s choice to run the Justice Department has assured senior Republican senators that he won’t prosecute intelligence officers or political appointees who were involved in the Bush administration’s policy of “enhanced interrogations.”

Sen. Christopher “Kit” Bond, a Republican from Missouri and the vice chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, said in an interview with The Washington Times that he will support Eric H. Holder Jr.’s nomination for Attorney General because Mr. Holder assured him privately that Mr. Obama’s Justice Department will not prosecute former Bush officials involved in the interrogations program.

Continue reading Dear Progressives: we beat you on national security issues. Love, the neoconservatives.

Obama’s Rendition Exception.

Never say that you were not told.

I’m not nearly as sanguine about this as Ed was:

EXCLUSIVE: Loophole allows terrorist detentions

President Obama’s executive order closing CIA “black sites” contains a little-noticed exception that allows the spy agency to continue to operate temporary detention facilities abroad.

Current and former U.S. officials, who spoke on the condition that they aren’t identified because of the sensitivity of the subject, said such temporary facilities around the world will remain open, giving the administration the opportunity to seize and hold assumed terrorists.

The detentions would be temporary. Suspects either would be brought later to the United States for trial or sent to other countries where they are wanted and can face trial.

…I wasn’t sanguine when I noticed this last week, and I’m not sanguine about it now. Continue reading Obama’s Rendition Exception.

Flight 1549 passengers testing lawsuit waters. (pause) No, really.

(Via Rachel Lucas, via AoSHQ) Because apparently resetting to zero their karma counter wasn’t exciting enough:

US Airways passengers get $5,000 each; is it enough?

Many US Airways (LCC) passengers who endured a crash landing in the Hudson River 12 days ago say they appreciate the $5,000 that the airline has offered — but some say it’s not enough.

Joe Hart, a salesman from Charlotte who suffered a bloody nose and bruises, says he “would like to be made whole for the incident.”

It’s too soon after the accident to determine what emotional distress he has suffered, he says.

…time to generate some negative karmic juice by going after the company who pretty much saved their lives. Smooth move, that.

Continue reading Flight 1549 passengers testing lawsuit waters. (pause) No, really.

Someone in Obama’s name sentenced AIDS victims to die.


(Via Instapundit) I am not exaggerating. We are dealing with the real world now, and in the real world you do not cavalierly and abruptly disrupt groups providing vitally critical medical assistance without ill result: Continue reading Someone in Obama’s name sentenced AIDS victims to die.

Snarky (Ethereal for In Nomine)

Happy birthday, Eric Burns-White. Next time, remind us ahead of time, huh? I only really noticed an hour or so ago. Snarky Corporeal Forces: 2 Strength: 4 Agility: 4 Ethereal Forces: 3 Intelligence: 8 Precision: 4 Celestial Forces: 4 Will:...

Snarky (Ethereal for In Nomine)

Happy birthday, Eric Burns-White. Next time, remind us ahead of time, huh? I only really noticed an hour or so ago. Snarky Corporeal Forces: 2 Strength: 4 Agility: 4 Ethereal Forces: 3 Intelligence: 8 Precision: 4 Celestial Forces: 4 Will:...