Blame @EsotericCD. Or maybe just my generally frazzled state. Things are squared away for tomorrow, but still. I’m pretty much checked out at this point.
Or watch this. This is better.
Continue reading ‘What’s Up?’Blame @EsotericCD. Or maybe just my generally frazzled state. Things are squared away for tomorrow, but still. I’m pretty much checked out at this point.
Or watch this. This is better.
Continue reading ‘What’s Up?’My kid was asking about this one, actually. Yes, I’m mildly concerned now about what he’s listening to online now, too. Parents: talk to your kids about Nineties music. Before somebody else does.
That hat still redeems all.
Sorry: the earworm for this was pretty surreal. It involved a techno version of this incorporating He-Man WHICH I WILL NOT SHOW YOU, LEST NYARLATHOTEP ARISES IN IREM, CITY OF PILLARS AND LEADS THE EARTH UNTO THE DAYS OF ASH.
No, really, it was infinitely worse than this.