The ‘The Rules Exist For A Reason’ THE HERETIC trailer.

It’s not that I don’t like the concept of THE HERETIC. It’s that it’s one of those films that needs their protagonists to do something stupid (like not see the wife with their own eyes before entering the house) for it to work. It is also a movie that would get shut down in about five minutes if one of the protagonists simply had a revolver, but that’s a common problem in American horror movies*.

*Writing horror novels set in the present and/or future are a real problem in this regard, let me tell you. That and cell phones. Cell phones kill half a dozen different perfectly good horror scenarios dead, dead, dead.

Tweet of the Day, A24 Falls Victim To Button Twitter edition.

Come, I will conceal nothing from you: I think that A24 threw this map together just as a framework to a movie about how much civil wars suck (which they do). The studio wants to use American images for that, which also makes sense from a thematic point of view. And I even understand why they’re breaking up the rebellious factions so that it’s not immediately partisan fodder. They took that into account.

What did they not take into account, though? Uniform Button Twitter.

Continue reading Tweet of the Day, A24 Falls Victim To Button Twitter edition.