Tweet of the Day, My Nose Is Metaphorically Bleeding From This CIVIL WAR Map edition.

Somebody reviewing CIVIL WAR offered the opinion that the more you know about American politics, the harder it’s going to be to get past that and get to the meat of the flick, which isn’t really about the actual civil war. I get that! I really do. I was an English major in college. I understand the concepts of metaphors and symbolism.

Continue reading Tweet of the Day, My Nose Is Metaphorically Bleeding From This CIVIL WAR Map edition.

Tweet of the Day, A24 Falls Victim To Button Twitter edition.

Come, I will conceal nothing from you: I think that A24 threw this map together just as a framework to a movie about how much civil wars suck (which they do). The studio wants to use American images for that, which also makes sense from a thematic point of view. And I even understand why they’re breaking up the rebellious factions so that it’s not immediately partisan fodder. They took that into account.

What did they not take into account, though? Uniform Button Twitter.

Continue reading Tweet of the Day, A24 Falls Victim To Button Twitter edition.

The ‘IS there such a thing as no bad publicity, Professor Moe?’ ‘I dunno, Sparky! Let’s find out!’ CIVIL WAR trailer.

If the goal of the people who made the CIVIL WAR trailer was to make a splash, well, it worked. But before you see the trailer, look at this picture. The government is apparently being opposed by Texas and the South (except Florida and South Carolina!), the High Plains and Mountain West, and… the Pacific States. Including California.

…Damned if I know how that would work, either. And apparently, neither does anybody else. Anyway, here’s the trailer. This one I’ll actually wait on until somebody whose opinion I trust comes out of the theater and tells me it’s worth watching.

Continue reading The ‘IS there such a thing as no bad publicity, Professor Moe?’ ‘I dunno, Sparky! Let’s find out!’ CIVIL WAR trailer.

Somebody considers how to cast Marvel’s Civil War in previous decades.

I don’t agree with all of these, but the person’s got a good eye for the Hawkeye role and a 1970s Peter O’Toole would have been entertaining as heck as Tony Stark. Possibly not all that great as Iron Man, but definitely he’d be an entertaining Stark. Ach, well. The special effects would have been awful, anyway. Continue reading Somebody considers how to cast Marvel’s Civil War in previous decades.

…It lacks only a “Bless Your Heart.”

I technically first saw this over at AoSHQ, but my wife was telling me about this yesterday: it’s apparently a letter written in 1865 from a former slave to his former master, who had written to him offering a job after the Civil War.  If you ever want to learn how to tell somebody to go perform a sexual act upon himself without once using profanity and/or a direct insult, this would be an excellent place to start.