Book of the Week: The Meowmorphosis.

The Meowmorphosis (Quirk Classics) … because you knew that the king of the mash-ups would go there, eventually.  Well, maybe not specifically there there – but honestly, are you surprised?  This one won’t be out until next month, so you’ll have plenty of time to recover from the SAN loss.

And now, we are after After Dachau.  As noted before; a good book, and an uncomfortable one.

Book of the Week: After Dachau.

Interestingly, After Dachau is only nominally alternate history, as I would define it: the change point is not really well-developed and it’s mostly there to help set up the question of What do you do about the consequences of an evil done by another, and that cannot be either redressed or undone? It’s a pretty tough question; more accurately, it’s a pretty tough most likely answer.  Good book, but a depressing one*.

And so, adieu to The Jersey Sting: A True Story of Crooked Pols, Money-Laundering Rabbis, Black Market Kidneys, and the Informant Who Brought It All Down – which was a lot more cheerful, mind.

Continue reading Book of the Week: After Dachau.