Obama / Bush: Not quite the same on the GWOT.

I can’t quite agree with this passage:

John Ashcroft, who was Attorney General when Marri was designated an enemy combatant, makes no such apologies. Interviewed just before the Inauguration, he defended what he described as a “sound decision” to “maximize the national interest,” and predicted that, in the end, President Obama’s approach to handling terror suspects would closely mirror his own: “How will he be different? The main difference is going to be that he spells his name ‘O-b-a-m-a,’ not ‘B-u-s-h.’ ”

(Via NRO MediaBlog; well, technically via Think Progress, but I don’t link to pro-torture apologists if I can help it.) Continue reading Obama / Bush: Not quite the same on the GWOT.

Department of Justice: Bagram detainees lack constitutional rights.

“Having considered the matter, the government adheres to its previously articulated position…”

Dear hardcore antiwar movement:

Please take this opportunity to writhe in impotent agony as your man-god twists the knife in your entrails.


The neoconservative movement.

PS: We won. You lost. Again.
PPS: We’ll be sleeping like babies tonight, by the way. It’s one of the perks of being the good guys.
PPPS: Now go back to work! President Obama requires your labor and money on his behalf.
(H/T Hot Air)

Crossposted at RedState.