This Bain thing is getting weird. And by weird I mean “self-immolating for Democrats.”
- Point: [Atlanta Mayor Kasim] Reed said on NBC’s Sunday political broadcast he was alarmed by the internal Democratic skirmish over whether or not President Barack Obama should attack his GOP rival’s business career, likening the prospect of campaigning without the volley to fighting “with one hand behind his back.” “[F]or Democrats to be having a conversation about whether this is fair game,” Reed said in yesterday’s “Meet the Press” roundtable, “is unacceptable.”
- Counter-point: …Reed neither disclosed nor explained why, if he thought Bain Capital was so horrible, he hired two high-level employees–former Chief Operating Officer (COO) Peter Aman and current Deputy Chief Operating Officer Hans Utz–immediately after the two had been working at Bain. Aman, a Partner at Bain & Company, took a two-year leave of absence from Bain, in order to work as COO, which is essentially a Deputy Mayor position, under Mayor Reed, from the beginning of 2010 to the end of 2011.
Continue reading Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed hates Bain! …Except the parts* that are helping *him*.