#rsrh When the first line is all you need.

True, you can get more details from the body of the article, but do you really need them?

“Two suspects were killed after one dressed as a leprechaun and robbed a Gallatin Bank Wednesday afternoon.”

As it stands, it already tells you everything important about what must have turned out to be a very surreal, very Bad Day for at least a half dozen people.  Except for the explicit itemization of the poor life choices involved, but you can probably work them out for yourself.

Thanks to Reader Joseph.

Don’t Mess With Old People Watch: Milwaukee, Michigan.

There’s always something entertaining about watching a criminal get his ass handed to him by a guy three times his age.  Particularly when it involves multiple camera angles.

I understand, by the way, that the aforementioned criminal’s name is something like ‘Sinister Smith.’ I don’t believe in acrophonology, Qabalah, or gematria generally – but I do believe in Just Asking For It, and whoever gave this poor schmuck that name was Just Asking For It.

So don’t do that, OK?

Moe Lane

(A modified form of this post can be found here.)