No, the Milwaukee DA press conference has nothing to do with Prosser.

This is a preemptive post: the Wisconsin Government Accountability Board and the DA’s office for Milwaukee County is will be having a joint press conference Monday afternoon at 2 PM local time about a “significant investigation.” Given that the DA for Milwaukee County is a Democrat – and given that the election results for Milwaukee County have not yet been certified – there has already been some speculation that this investigation is related to last week’s re-election of Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice David Prosser. However, at least one local news reporter has already confirmed with the Wisconsin GAB that the announcement is not related to last week’s race.

I mention all of this primarily because this story otherwise looks like precisely the sort of vague, information-free bare-bones notification of an event that the Internet can force-bloom into a beautiful Orchid of Hysteria; and it’d be nice if more of those got nipped in the bud…

Moe Lane (crosspost) Continue reading No, the Milwaukee DA press conference has nothing to do with Prosser.

Don’t Mess With Old People Watch: Milwaukee, Michigan.

There’s always something entertaining about watching a criminal get his ass handed to him by a guy three times his age.  Particularly when it involves multiple camera angles.

I understand, by the way, that the aforementioned criminal’s name is something like ‘Sinister Smith.’ I don’t believe in acrophonology, Qabalah, or gematria generally – but I do believe in Just Asking For It, and whoever gave this poor schmuck that name was Just Asking For It.

So don’t do that, OK?

Moe Lane

(A modified form of this post can be found here.)