Tag: ben e king
‘Stand By Me.’
Rest in peace, Ben E. King.
I’m not going to be That Guy who goes through Ben E. King’s repertoire to find something obscure and say Yeah, this is what you should like. This is his most memorable song for a reason.
‘Stand By Me.’
Ended up here after going through the Fifties stuff.
“Stand By Me.”
Lazy Sunday night.
“Stand by Me.” (With blatant crass commercialism attached.)
Early night for me: I shall be watching a movie, and not musing darkly on the pitiful status of my Amazon.com referrals this month to date. It’s especially aggravating because Thomas Harlan is finally getting Land of the Dead
out. It’s only been, what, five years since the last book in this series?
Sorry about the video: it’s pretty cringeworthy.