He’s up for a radio talk gig.

He’s in the homestretch.

He’s got his competitors closing the distance.

I threatened to write my posts in iambic pentameter if people didn’t vote for Ben.  And then I wrote a sonnet – ON TWITTER* – just to drive that threat home.

Am I bluffing?  Well.  Let’s not find out.

Moe Lane

*No, really. Well, kinda. Sorta. It’s complicated.

I think that tweets and posts that made the threat
To use the Muse beloved by the Bard
Would soon outgrow the joke and be ill-met –
Besides, the task would soon become too hard.
What’s this I’ve said? is not Iambic’s strength
Found in its favor of the English tongue?
Too true, too true: but give too long a length
To jokes, and you will find your welcome done.
Photonic webs of words we weave both day
And night, and so we seek the clever phrase
That elevates our text above the fray:
But play too long becomes mere work, not play.
And so the cautious bard knows when to make
A promise that he scruples quick to break.

Look, just vote for Ben, OK?

#rsrh Helping a RedStater out with WBT’s Sunday night talk contest.

Essentially, Ben Howe – good colleague, good guy, good videographer – is vying for Charlotte radio station WBT’s Sunday Night talk gig.  Rather than bore you with details about why he must have this gig as part of RedState‘s ongoing program of world media domination, I’ll let him tell you: Ben’s much better at it than I would be anyway.


Ben’s an articulate guy: and, as the video above shows, he has a decent sense of humor.  He’d make a good advocate for us on the air.  Most importantly, if Ben gets the gig I’ll be able to suck up to him and get on the program every so often…

Moe Lane