(H/T Instapundit) This editorial had me …well, shrugging and conceding that there was a possibility… until this point:
And just in case Benghazi does end up costing [Hillary] Clinton the White House, there’s someone else ready and willing to take her place in the 2016 race.
U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren.
Yeeeeeeah. Do you know what we do to liberal Democrats from Massachusetts who run for President in this country? Do you, do you? That’s right! We rip their hearts out and then throw the hearts on the ground and then we make them dance on their own hearts! We do that until they have no dignity left! And then we smack them in the face, laugh, and elect the other guy. Continue reading QotD, HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHA (Breathe) HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA edition.