As above, so below: de Blasio imitates @barackobama’s ‘punctuality.’

There’s no reason to be surprised at this:

Mayor de Blasio was true to form in his first State of the City speech — he started late.

The crowd of community leaders and elected officials, including Reps. Carolyn Maloney and Charles Rangel, were told to put away their phones just before the designated start time at noon.

But they then sat cooling their heels for another 20 minutes before the mayor took the stage.

Bill de Blasio has seen that Barack Obama has easily gotten away with not showing up to things on time; and thus, so will he. Whether de Blasio can get away with it is, of course, another story entirely.



Moe Lane

Good news: Bill de Blasio appoints gentrifier to head City Planning. #nyc

No, I am not being sarcastic, actually.

Mayor Bill de Blasio on Friday appointed a veteran of the struggles to transform New York City neighborhoods such as Times Square into hubs of tourism, luxury housing and high-price offices to lead the city’s urban-planning efforts.

The choice of Carl Weisbrod, an elder statesmen of the city’s development community, to lead the City Planning Commission and the City Planning Department unsettled some of the mayor’s liberal supporters and reassured the real-estate industry.

I mean, did you ever SEE the sh*thole that was Times Square before it got fixed?  I walked through there ONCE in the bad old days, and didn’t go back for years afterward.  People on the Left may sneer at ‘Disneyification:’ but what they carefully forget to mention is that the process by definition makes the surroundings safer for kids. Mayor de Blasio is going to run NYC in the ground, sure – but at least he’s not appointing somebody who actually regrets losing Times Square to the forces of bourgeois morality*. Continue reading Good news: Bill de Blasio appoints gentrifier to head City Planning. #nyc

NYC continues its slow slide off of the beam. :shrug: Ehh, they chose their fate.

(Via Instapundit) Yeah, I’m just going to skip going into NYC for, oh, about a decade or so:

All summer long, then-candidate Bill de Blasio pulled no punches in his opposition to aggressive policing — in particular, to stop-and-frisk — and so the principal question going into his mayoralty was this: When it comes to public safety, did he believe his own rhetoric?

Turns out, Bill’s a believer.

He made that clear enough last week, standing super-tall with all the usual suspects — plus, ominously, Police Commissioner Bill Bratton — to announce not only that the city is rescinding its appeal of last year’s discredited federal-court stop-and-frisk ruling, but that it’s unilaterally adopting policies that over time stand to make the city much less safe.

Continue reading NYC continues its slow slide off of the beam. :shrug: Ehh, they chose their fate.


Well, *I* would.

So I can’t blame the groundhog. Probably worried about De Blasio’s proposed property tax hikes. ‘Wealthiest members of the city,’ my eye.

Moe Lane

PS: I call upon the Governor of NJ to offer the groundhog asylum.

PPS: Admittedly, it ain’t the ravens fleeing the Tower of London, but this isn’t the most auspicious omen in the world, either.

Bill De Blasio starts up GOP recruitment drive on Upper East Side.

Oh, this is going to be a fun four years.  Especially since I don’t work in the City anymore.

It really is a tale of two cities — this time with the tony Upper East Side getting the shaft!

Huge swaths of the city’s wealthiest neighborhood had been not been plowed by early Tuesday evening, leaving 1-percenters out in the cold, according to the city’s own map of snow-plower activity.

“He is trying to get us back. He is very divisive and political,” said writer and Life-long Upper East Sider and mom Molly Jong Fast of Mayor de Blasio.

Molly is, by the way, the daughter of Erica Jong, and is not particularly less liberal than is her mother.  I mention this in case you were wondering whether we might have infiltrated a recon team into the UES: nope, that’s one pure my-ox-just-got-gored Democrat, there.

Continue reading Bill De Blasio starts up GOP recruitment drive on Upper East Side.

Tweet of the Day, We’d All Actually Like To Be Proved Wrong On This edition.

It’s just that we’re not expecting to be.

:shrug: It’s not like I own any property in NYC anyway.

My conspiracy theory of the day: the NYC mayoralty race.

Allegation: Anthony Weiner has been kept in that particular race for well past his sell-by date for the express purpose of derailing the electoral prospects of Christine Quinn.  I have absolutely no proof of this, but she was leading earlier, and now she’s not.  Heck, at this point current front-runner Bill de Blasio might not even need to worry about a runoff.

Moe Lane

PS: They’re all pretty much worthless, of course.  Assuming the Democratic candidate wins, his or her legacy will pretty much be to be the Horrible Mayor That Messed Things Up For NYC Until A Real New Yorker Came Along And Fixed Everything.  It’s pretty much a predictable cycle at this point, alas.