This cold is *finally* ebbing.

Moral of the story: don’t ever start smoking. I haven’t had a cigarette in almost twenty years and I still get colds that can last forever. I get to deal with that for the next twenty years, too. Hopefully we’ll have full cellular regeneration before then.

…I dunno, man. Things click, technologically, and all of a sudden we have this entire civilization where people make casual video calls and everybody’s walking around with high-resolution cameras in their pockets. Which is one major reason why everything is weird right now.

Anyway, getting back to a normal schedule, hopefully.

Lost afternoon!

It was a false alarm sort of thing, thank goodness. The youngest does not have strep throat (he doesn’t have COVID, either). Still, straightening that all out via a pediatrician visit was fun. And now I have a sore throat, and I know perfectly well it’s psychosomatic…


Busy day, deadlines, you know the drill. I should absolutely stagger things more so that I have deadlines on the fifteenth of the month. I should also exercise more, sleep more, catch up on a few movies, and start attending that writer’s workshop in Baltimore*. I might manage the last one, if I’m lucky.

Moe Lane

*Or any writer’s workshop, really. Although I understand those can be hit or miss.