Seriously, Nebraska is a hell of a lot less annoying an album once you force yourself to see it as folk.
Tag: bruce springsteen
“No Surrender.”
No Surrender, Bruce Springsteen
…Thirty years since that version. More than half my life ago.
“I’m On Fire.”
I’m On Fire, Bruce Springsteen
I suspect that there will be a theme involving warmth around here for a bit.
“Santa Claus Is Comin’ To Town.”
Yes. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I am afraid that it is that time again.
Time for The Song. Continue reading “Santa Claus Is Comin’ To Town.”
“Thunder Road.”
Thunder Road, Bruce Springsteen
That’s the live version and the link is to the studio version, but… you gotta respect the crowd skills. Well, you don’t actually have to, but… you should. I know just enough about how Bruce does this to know that I will, never be able to duplicate it.
“Rosalita (Come Out Tonight).”
Rosalita (Come Out Tonight), Bruce Springsteen
I seriously wish Bruce Springsteen would just write songs more like this, and less like he’s trying to be Arlo Guthrie or something.
“No Surrender.”
No Surrender, Bruce Springsteen
…And, geez, I’m back to liking this version again. Maybe it’s the time of the year that’s the trigger?
So, this morning I’m drinking my brunch in an Irish bar waiting for the rest of the family to finish up going to church…
…anyway, so this comes up on the jukebox.
And I think to myself, Yup. That tears it. Next time, go with the Ploughman’s Platter.
Well, that and Dammit, this bar needs Wi-fi so that I can watch that Lawrence Welk thing.
“Santa Claus Is Comin’ To Town.”
Yeah. You all knew that this was inevitable. No sense in hanging it over your heads.
Santa Claus Is Comin’ To Town, Bruce Springsteen
Still, this is a tradition among my people.
“Born in the USA.”
I’m invariably told that I’m not allowed to do these sorts of songs, you know. Which is what makes it fun.