He’s apparently now for it. And the Washington Post itself is snarking over why, although it’s subtle:
In his Facebook post, Crist did not discuss when or why his personal views on the issue have changed.
There’s gotta be a timeline for this sort of thing, you see. Timeline, paper trail, and perhaps a lot of loud distractions from questions like “Didn’t you use to be the most Republican Republican that ever Repubkicked a can?”
Moe Lane
PS: You know, it’s funny. I used to be a Democrat. When I switched sides, I kept a few of my existing opinions on social policies (I am not particularly a social conservative, unless being basically pro-life these days counts). In particular, I support same-sex marriage. And yet, I’ve never felt the need, either professionally or privately, to either recant my earlier views, or to hide them. And yet, if Charlie wants to be governor again he apparently has to – has to – admit to being a bald-faced liar on the subject.
I don’t know whether that’s more of a judgement on the Democratic party, or of Charlie Crist.