Haven’t done one of these in a while, have I?
But I haven’t forgotten. Oh, no, I have not. So…
Man, of course, loses. Free hint: ‘over 1 million on the Scoville heat scale‘ is, to more or less quote Gary Larson, Mother Nature’s way of saying ‘Do not touch.’
When milk, meditation, whimpering in the fetal position, and tequila doesn’t help… well.
Amazon.com. Because…
And no, you haven’t been there, on either side. Because you’re not a cat. Thanks to eagle-eyed Matt from comments, I am now aware that I apparently blocked this out of my mind. Fine, then: watch the video response. Which is worse.
Moo hoo bwah hah.
Remember: Amazon.com. Because…
The cruelty here is doing this late at night, when there is no bacon.
Remember: Amazon.com. Because…
Why must you make me show you these things?
I mean, I couldn’t even get past 1:38.
Done by my RS colleague Caleb Howe. Fairly surreal, and short about it.
And… yes. Yes, it really is better this way.
Damn you, George Lucas.
Because, remember: