So. That ‘Cloak and Dagger’ trailer.

I was reminded of it by Constant Reader BigGator5, so I went and watched the Cloak and Dagger trailer a couple of times.

The problem is: I’ve never read the comics.  I mean, I grok the basic concept behind the characters, but without reading them I dunno whether this is a faithful adaptation of the original. Has Marvel gotten this one right?  Or at least right enough for TV? It’s going to be on Freeform** in 2018, after all.

Moe Lane

*I think that we can all agree that Marvel is at its best when it’s not trying to change the core identity of its comic book characters, yes?

**According to Wikipedia, this network has a fascinating journey through the wilds of cable networks.  Started off as a CBN satellite feed, became the Family Channel, segued into first Fox Family, then ABC Family, and is now Freeform and targeting millennials.  Imagine being the janitor who worked through all those paradigm changes…