Power Line has a useful suggestion for funding Obama’s community colleges proposal.

Read the whole thing (H/T: Instapundit), but basically: if Barack Obama wants this community college thing so badly, then he can call for a surtax on college endowments above a certain level per student ($1 million was Power Line’s suggestion). Or maybe just lower the deduction on donations to college endowments, again above a certain level. Power Line also suggests – just in case it wasn’t obvious yet that the goal here is to watch the President start chain-smoking again in an affronted fury – that maybe the GOP should just pass the community college proposal… while mandating “that all community college credits be fully transferrable to any four-year college that accepts any federal funding.”

Yes, yes, of course there’s not any chance of the President signing off on any of that. That’s not the point.  The point is to make it clear to whom President Obama feels the most loyalty: which is to say, not students or parents of students. Besides, even the mere threat of any of this would produce all sorts of useful footage of Academics Behaving Badly…

OK, when the National Journal isn’t buying this ‘free community college’ thing…

…then you can expect it to die on the vine.

President Obama wants to provide free tuition at community colleges, a proposal that could benefit as many as 9 million students, according to a White House outline of the plan released Thursday.

There is one big caveat in the proposal — there is no plan to fund it, other than to ask Congress for the money.

Continue reading OK, when the National Journal isn’t buying this ‘free community college’ thing…