Just finished what I guess was the tutorial. CONTROL looks very spooky, which is excellent, but it has two of the besetting video game flaws of this era: save points, and no easy mode. The first annoys me, because I don’t see the point in not designing a game where you can quicksave anywhere you damned well please; and the second makes me roll my eyes, because I’m mostly playing CONTROL for the story anyway. I’m sure that the combat’s gonna be awesome and everything, especially since you can fling stuff around and everything, but I’m almost fifty and I just don’t have those reflexes.
Still, should be fun.
Moe Lane
PS: It runs smoothly on my computer, by the way. This is a general observation that I’m apparently echoing: a lot of people were expecting the need for higher-performance PCs. Then again, this one I’m using IS new.