I’ve already read DAGGERS IN DARKNESS, obviously; but I wanted to see if any of my suggestions were entertained. At least one was! That’s a good feeling.
Tag: daggers in darkness
S.M. Stirling’s DAGGERS IN DARKNESS now available!
Go here for the e-book, here for the paperback. I have already read SM Stirling’s DAGGERS IN DARKNESS – in fact, I was one of the first readers for the book, and that was one of the top ten things that I got to do last year* – and if you like the ‘Is this whole thing gonna slide into an Orwellian nightmare?’ alt-history that is the Black Chamber series you will find this latest tale quite diverting. I look forward to future books, even if I don’t get to be a first reader again.
Moe Lane
*It was a tougher contest than normal. I mean, I also self-published four books last year. That’s gonna skew the results.
SM Stirling’s first two chapters of DAGGERS IN DARKNESS are up at his site.
Found here. DAGGERS IN DARKNESS is part of Steve’s THE BLACK CHAMBER alt-history spy-adventure series, and I shall not lie; every time I pick up the latest one part of the thrill for me is seeing whether this is going to be the book that sends the whole thing spiraling right into full-bore dystopia. It doesn’t have to, mind you. The references could just be in-jokes. But I never know.
But, hey, they’re also fun adventure fiction books so no worries, right?
(ahem) Moe Lane