The Deadly Snows of Kenosha [The Day After Ragnarok].

Deadly Snows of Kenosha – Google Docs

The Deadly Snows of Kenosha

[The Day After Ragnarok]

City: Kenosha, Wisconsin
Population: 50 (est.), plus ghouls
Controls: Nothing
Government: Ruins
Problem: Monsters
Heroic Opportunity: Legendary Treasure
City Aspect: Dangerous

Kenosha, Wisconsin did not survive the Serpentfall. The city got hit with a one-two punch of a nasty plague and a tainted water supply; what disease and venom didn’t kill, the sudden cold did.  The population crashed fast, too. By October of 1945 most of the survivors fled to Milwaukee, where they’ve mostly either ended up on the collectivized farms, or fodder for the mercenary gangs. Continue reading The Deadly Snows of Kenosha [The Day After Ragnarok].