Deity Seed: Gelumaqa.


Description: minor prehistoric water deity, Caspian region

Area of Influence: water, fishing, waterfowl, outdoor survival

Gelumaqa is a very old, and formerly very forgotten, Indo-European deity that apotheosized, thrived, and dwindled about six thousand or so years ago around the Black Sea.  What was she like, in her first incarnation as a goddess? It’s hard to say. Even this incarnation of Gelumaqa finds her memories of that period extremely hazy. Mud was everywhere, it was cold all the time, far too many of the most vivid memories involve bright sprays of blood; the goddess is fairly certain that mortals probably weren’t too happy to see her manifestation.

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Deity Seed: ALWA the Formidable.

ALWA the Formidable

Pre-Loaded Deity (PLD)

Sphere of Influence: Protection

Duration: 24 hours

Appearance: a vaguely humanoid-shaped pile of bricks

ALWA is a Protection Pre-Loaded Deity, (or PLD); he’s used whenever somebody needs a dam reinforced in an emergency, or a mystical barrier renewed and fueled, or a person or group warded against missile fire.  ALWA is a pleasant minor deity who likes being strong enough to stop stuff from breaking, people generally, and fried foods; it takes a lot to infuriate him, but it’s memorable when somebody does.

Continue reading Deity Seed: ALWA the Formidable.