Doctor Melarie of Oakwood [250pt] – Google Docs
Doctor Melarie of Oakwood [250pt]
Race: Human
Attributes [100]: ST 10; DX 10; IQ 14 [80]; HT 11 [10]; HP 10; Will 15 [5]; Per 15 [5]; FP 11
TL: 5 [0]
Cultural Familiarities: Muslim [1]; Western (Native) [0].
Languages: Anglish (Native) [0]; Arabic (Native) [4]; Aralaise (Accented) [2]; English (None/Native) [2]; Greek (None/Literate) [1]; Ladino (Accented) [2]; Latin (Accented) [2]; Tredroy Patois (Accented) [2].
Advantages [136]: Charisma (1) [5], Healer (3) [30], High TL (2) [10], Language Talent [10], Magery (3) [30], Magery 0 [5], Reputation (good doctor) (1) (All the time; Almost everyone) [5], Social Regard (Respected) (1) [5], Status (1) [0], Wealth (Wealthy) [20] Continue reading Doctor Melarie of Oakwood [GURPS 4e]