‘Mocking Earth Day’ counts as ‘activities affected by my retirement.’ …Dammit. Well, what can you do? Detox is detox.
Tag: earth day
Quote of the Day, I Don’t Know If ‘Cheers’ Came Up With It First edition.
But it’s still an appropriate quote for today:
Hatred is not the opposite of love: indifference is.
True, that.
Tweet of the Day, They Celebrate Earth Day In Style In Wisconsin edition.
Full points on this one.
Ok, Scott. You have my attention. –> Scott Walker celebrates Earth Day by firing 57 environmental agency employees http://t.co/uopOpPZooI
— Ben Howe (@BenHowe) April 22, 2015
Contra Mother Jones, though: I don’t think that Scott Walker deliberately set out to lay off those folks on Earth Day itself. Instead, I simply think that Scott Walker doesn’t give a flying leap about Earth Day one way, or the other. Which is, frankly, more entertaining.
My Watchdog.org Earth Day post is up.
You can find it here. Short version: clean up the Earth? These people can’t even pick up after themselves.
I gotta push back against @TwitchyTeam on this one. (NSFW)
Unlike Twitchy, I have to agree with Kid Rock (after the fold: language not safe for work): Continue reading I gotta push back against @TwitchyTeam on this one. (NSFW)
Oh, is today Earth Day?
Yeah, sure, we can always use another one of those. Let me look up the price for a used Earth…
Sorry, can’t cover it on my own. So if you want me to buy a spare one, well, PayPal:
#rsrh Headline of the Day, From… MSNBC? Edition.
How the heck did this get past the editor?
Earth Day co-founder killed, composted girlfriend
I’ve preserved a screenshot, just in case.
Did you enjoy Earth Day?
I think that was rather rude of you, considering that it’s 34 years too late to save the planet, or maybe 24/9, and the planet’s no longer suitable for human habitation, and the pollution’s long since killed us all, and of course the eight billion people that died of hunger for the last four decades, thanks to all the famines, and mass starvation, and how outside of Western Europe / North America / Australia’s everybody’s without food, and of course the gas masks that we all have to wear, not that we can see where we’re going because of the reduced sunlight from the increased pollution and nitrogen buildup, although we should be grateful that the air pollution only takes hundreds of thousands of lives, but we don’t have any resources left, particularly oil, and we lost 3/4ths of all species, and of course we’re in an ice age right now.
Yup. Predictions from Earth Day 1970. Via I Hate The Media, via Urbin Report, via Ed Driscoll.
And they wonder why the ‘threat’ of global warming isn’t having the punch that it used to have. Or why it’s suddenly necessary to explain that away. Although I really shouldn’t let myself get caught up in religious arguments, particularly when I don’t subscribe to that particular faith…
Moe Lane
PS: On the bright side, you can always buy Arrrbon Credits (I think H/T: Ed Driscoll). And yes, in point of fact I am taking the situation as seriously as it deserves.
Crossposted to RedState.