The Facebook entry that defines this election.

Really, it does.

Note the comment by an Obama supporter: “My two favorite guys in the world in NH today….I had a ticket to go, but could not afford gas to Concord:(”

…You don’t say?

#rsrh Interesting House Forecast from The Monkey Cage: D+ …1.

Which is pretty close to ‘standing pat.’  I’m not really going to go into the tall weeds on this one – my math isn’t up to the task – but the result is pretty darn close to my own gut call of “single-digit Democratic gains*,” so clearly these people are geniuses.

Moe Lane

*I expect a good bit of churn, though.  We have a large freshman class and redistricting is affecting both sides; but the Democrats have a lackluster lineup this election cycle and the last three cycles have been pure hell on any Congressman who had any visible weakness at all. So we will lose people, and so will they, and the Republicans will retain the House.

QotD, Is @BarackObama a FOOL? edition.

I ask because of this quote from the Wall Street Journal:

“[Barack Obama] has a rap he uses all the time on the campaign trail about this being the election that will break the stalemate in Washington. But when you look at it, it sounds like he’s just talking about getting him re-elected,” Mr. Hickey said.

The background here is that Barack Obama is becoming infamous for his lack of support for other, theoretically-fellow Democrats – to the point where he doesn’t even bother to mention the local ones in his local speeches, explicitly including the ones running for re-election.  And the subtext here is that “Mr. Hickey” is Roger Hickey, “co-director of the liberal advocacy group Campaign for America’s Future.”  You know it’s bad when reliable Democratic shills are making the same observations about a Democratic candidate that I would.

#rsrh Will this be the 2012 Romney/Ryan map?

Lots of people talking about Wisconsin and whether or not it’s in play.  Truth be told, I don’t know: the WI GOP is pretty freaking hardcore these days, but the Democrats will pour whatever it takes to keep that firewall*.  And this map is why:


The above is the Democrats Midwest Collapse nightmare scenario: it represents the Republicans running the table in that region.  I personally think that we’re good in Indiana, will be good in Iowa, and probably be good in Ohio… but if Wisconsin flips then Michigan probably won’t be too far behind. And note that if that happens it doesn’t matter at all what happens in Virginia, Colorado, and/or New Hampshire.

My basic take on this: this pick does not guarantee the Midwest for the Republicans, but it does guarantee that the Democrats are going to have to put resources into yet another geographical region.  Resources that they may end up not having.

Moe Lane

Continue reading #rsrh Will this be the 2012 Romney/Ryan map?

#rsrh How #p2 inadvertently confirmed their own belief in a liberal media bias.

This will be a short post – supper isn’t going to cook itself – so let me cut to the chase: the recent freaking out by the Left-sphere over Mitt Romney’s vicious and unprovoked attack on Obama (otherwise known as “directly quoting him”) pretty much demonstrates that they actually share the Right’s belief that the media is biased in favor of liberals.  How do we know this?  Simple: their reaction to an unexpected stimulus.  Apparently, nobody on the Left actually planned on them being hammered by the media for the stuff that Obama says – first on Bain, and then on this entire You didn’t build that piece of pseudo-populist fluff that the President’s running on.

With me so far?  Good.  Now, here’s the thing: how is the Left reacting to the media showing what they would consider to be a conservative bias?  Logic suggests that – if they really believed that the media was not biased towards the Left – then they’d react to a perceived media bias against them the same way that we would: with a certain anger, but no real shock.  Instead, we’re getting the political equivalent of this: Continue reading #rsrh How #p2 inadvertently confirmed their own belief in a liberal media bias.

#rsrh Shorter DCCC Chair Steve Israel to Democratic candidates: “Sauve qui peut!”…

“…Home! Home! Pickup and home! Any beacon you can hear. Six minutes! All hands, save yourselves, pick up your mates. Home on any beacon! Sauve qui -“

No, wait, that’s a quote from Starship TroopersThis is what Israel actually did:

The Democrat charged with trying to win back the House majority is telling his candidates that it’s OK to skip the party’s national convention.

…OK, OK, pretty much the same thing.

Moe Lane

I think that Mitt Romney should make a deal with Barack Obama.

Romney will not try to be a community organizer – whatever the heck that is – and, in exchange? Obama will not try to make any more ‘strategic investments.’

(As always: when the other side gleefully captures your argument and sends it around, you probably have not won that particular round.)

Executive summary of the video:

Chuck Todd: Erm, the GOP kind of has a point about this entire Solyndra/Bain comparison thing.

Stephanie Cutter: No, they don’t […I think that’s what she said.  Coherence levels were… low.]

Continue reading I think that Mitt Romney should make a deal with Barack Obama.

#rsrh A quick head’s-up to Team Romney:

Find out who in your staff talked to Politico off the record for this article on what Romney supposedly is and is not doing differently than McCain did in 2008, and have them not do that again.  I’m not saying fire those staffers; I’m saying sit them down and explain to them, gently, that Politico hates Mitt Romney, and wants him to die in a grease fire.  I mean, seriously.  The Politico wrote this with a straight face:

Steve Schmidt, a top official on the McCain campaign, acknowledged the need for Romney to do things differently, saying that every major decision in 2008 had been made “through the prism that we were running in the worst political environment any Republican presidential candidate had every faced – it was just horrific.”

“That drove a culture of risk-taking and animated every aspect of the campaign,” Schmidt recalled. “The Romney campaign is in a totally winnable race, and their actions reflect that. They’re more cautious, where we were more elbows-out.”

Continue reading #rsrh A quick head’s-up to Team Romney:

#rsrh There are many myths from 2008 I will enjoy puncturing in 2012…

…and do you know what my favorite myth to puncture will be? The one about how Team Obama is/was this unstoppable juggernaut of DOOM.



You’d think that Obama’s official 2012 kickoff would fill a stadium, huh?  Especially one on a college campus. THAT HE OVERFLOWED TWO YEARS AGO.

Continue reading #rsrh There are many myths from 2008 I will enjoy puncturing in 2012…