Geektyrant is enthusiastic about this news: “Fox is producing an animated series adaptation of the epic fantasy adventure comic series Elfquest. The series is created by Wendy and Richard Pini, from Rodney Rothman and Adam Rosenberg’s Modern Magic. The series will be written by Susan Hurwitz Arneson (The Last Amazon) who will also serve as showrunner and executive producer.” I am… not.
I mean, don’t get me wrong. I hope the Pinis squeezed Fox until it screamed, so they can use the money to have an epic retirement. I am not confident that Fox will be able to do ELFQUEST. Shoot, the series started in 1978: I am thus not confident that Fox will be able to understand ELFQUEST. It was a whole different world, back then.
But maybe I’m wrong. I’m not, but maybe I am. It could happen.