#rsrh Announcing the Cunning Hat Initiative. #firefly #browncoats #tcot

The Avengers’ 200 million dollar opening this weekend is… well, it’s a thing.  So much of a thing that it caused Jonah Goldberg to tweet “So, now that Joss Whedon is Hollywoods’s master now, can he please bring back Firefly?”  Which is a darn good question.

Now, here’s the thing: I know things.  For example, I know what the actual percentage of secret geeks is in politics, and it’s higher than you might think.  I know it because people sidle up to me at political events and admit, yeah, they read comic books/game/play online RPGs/watch shows like Firefly.  And I also know that Firefly resonates with people on my side of the political spectrum – much to Joss Whedon’s own bemusement, reportedly.


Continue reading #rsrh Announcing the Cunning Hat Initiative. #firefly #browncoats #tcot

Chris is smoking crack, of course…

when it comes to this interpretation of Firefly:

…this is an absolutely brilliant dissection of human madness. The plot is not about Malcolm Reynolds, Hellbusting, hardbitten idealist-turned-cynic leading his ragtag, fugitive fleet on a quest for freedom. That’s the boring cover. No. It’s about Malcolm Reynolds, shattered survivor of the Battle of Serenity Valley,* who was so badly broken by that battle and its results that he experienced a psychotic break.

The show is about life inside his fractured mind.

It is the only way the show makes sense, and the only way it’s truly enjoyable. Each element/character in his “crew” is actually a part of his fractured mind. Zoe is his loyalty, Wash his lightheartedness, Inara his libido, Jayne his physical courage, Kaylee his innocence, Simon his certainty, River his awareness, Book his faith in God. They’re not symbolic of these things, they’re the things themselves.

…but we will forgive him that; after all, it has led him to the proper place.  And who are we to say which path to the donning of the Brown Coat is the best one?

So welcome, brother.

Yet another reason why Firefly was brilliant.

And this is actually slightly embarrassing to admit: I hadn’t realized that Christina Hendricks was Our Mrs. Reynolds until Instapundit pointed that out.  She did that good a job.

[pause to look up the ‘special hell’ bit]

Damn, but that show was just one good quote after another.

Why they won’t bring back Firefly, Ace.

Since you asked… if they bring back Firefly, then they have to deal with a fan base with views.  The browncoats aren’t going to take too kindly to the suits urinating in the mix again, and the suits don’t want to deal with a Joss Whedon, given that he would be in a distinctly superior bargaining position for it.

Besides.  No Wash.  No Shepherd Book.  That’s a hard thing to face.

Moe Lane

Hope Springs Eternal Watch: Serenity edition

Why the time is right for a Serenity sequel.” (Via Fark)

I think that I’m going to be seeing articles like this come out at regular, clockwork-like intervals for the rest of my life.  Look, I own Firefly.  I went to go see Serenity as soon as it came out, and had many an adventure along the way.  The statement “I aim to misbehave” has passed my lips many a time, particularly since the night of November 4, 2008.  So I want a goram sequel to happen, OK?

It ain’t gonna happen.