Just like everybody else, let me show you the new Star Wars trailer.

I think… it may not be too bad.  I think that maybe… just maybe… they shot George Lucas with tranq rounds every time he looked like he was about to wander onto the set.  I think that it may not suck.

Please, God, don’t let it suck.

Moe Lane

PS: Pause it at :24.

I imagine that this is how a unreformed junkie feels.

You look at it, and you know.


You know how this ends: with you in a dark room, ready to go bang the gong again.  You can tell yourself stories.  But you know that you aren’t strong enough to hold out. Just once more, for old time’s sake.  What’s the harm?  I’m not that person anymore.  Only… you are.  And you’re about to go prove it to everyone.

It is… your destiny.

Via @BrianFaughnan.

Moe Lane

[PS: I should note, by the way, that it’s almost certainly not an official trailer. We know this because it hasn’t saturated, and I am using that term in as literally a sense as I can, the Internet.]

So I’m at the Target, and looking at the Wii stuff…

…and I’m specifically looking at Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, which looks just like the reason why people like me would have a Wii, and I’m thinking If only I had a Wii…

Oh.  Right.

So all I have to do is wait until everybody’s asleep so that I can hook up the blessed thing in peace and quiet… then it’s going to be time for some Dark Side, baby.  Or Mario Kart.

Heh. Star Wars Mario…