02/26/2020 Book Report, FROZEN DREAMS.

Mostly, today I learned of the giant spike trap that lies in wait for unwary people who think, “Surely you can have Kindle Direct Publishing fulfill your Kickstarter tiers for you! No need to worry!” …I am a naturally unwary person; but I am married to someone who checks things out ahead of time, and thanks to the power of matrimonial osmosis I have picked up the occasional urge to schedule my worrying for when it might actually do me some good.

Continue reading 02/26/2020 Book Report, FROZEN DREAMS.

02/23/2020 Book Report, FROZEN DREAMS. [Goram thing’s ready for the copy-editors.]

UPDATE: As I said in comments: the beta readers were awesome. But revising SUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCKS.

The [expletive deleted] thing has been gone through, revised in light of beta reader suggestions, and is [expletive deleted] done. Well, at least until it goes to my wife again for another read-through, and at some point a copy-editor will need to see it. But it’s DONE, do you hear me? If I absolutely had to, I would publish it today and only groan a little.

Now I just need the money to pay for the copy-editor and the ISBN numbers. Which means that it’s time to start finishing up the prep for the Kickstarter. Yay! …Actually, yeah, kind of ‘yay’ at that.

02/18/2020 Book Report.

Four more chapters getting revised and fiddled with. That leaves… twenty to go. I might need to speed this up a little.

In other news, still trying to track down a copy-editor. My sister is a graphic designer, though, so she’s looking for one for me, too. What’s that? Why didn’t I contract her for a book cover? Why, that’s an excellent question, really. Fortunately, I can answer it with the next book cover, no worries.