Tweet of the Day, God Help Me: I’m Putting Up A TMZ Giraffe Tweet edition.

This was sent to me (I am omitting that person’s name because I am not cruel), and I am slightly horrified to say that I found it enjoyable. There’s not much that can be fairly said to be improved by getting the TMZ treatment, but this story… yeah. It’s a perfect example of our new, shiny media world. It really and truly is.

OK, I gotta say: I like how my new Twitter icon came out.

I think that it actually looks pretty sweet, considering that it was done on


I know, I know: it’s not an evil giraffe.  It all has to do with my new account name, which is based on an old gaming NPC for In Nomine that I wrote up  once (and then horrifically mutated for a dark, dark, dark shared-world project, but never mind that right now). I flatter myself that it flows well.

The new account, by the way, is

I wanted to post video of the giraffe/zookeeper thing…

…but all of the embeddable video had weird vocals, sorry. Here’s the story:

He got his dying wish: A chance to say goodbye to the animals he adored.

A mentally handicapped Dutch zookeeper in the final stages of cancer shared a heartwarming moment with a giraffe.

The majestic creature at the Rotterdam Zoo bent down to nuzzle the keeper, identified only as Mario, as he lay in a bed set up in its habitat.

…because giraffes are cool like that.

There’s a guy looking to collect one million pictures of hand-drawn giraffes.

(Via @CalebHowe) He thinks that he can do it; and, really, this is the other thing that the internet is for*.  If you can’t actually draw… well, you can go here; it’s a useful skill to have, I’m sure.

Anyway, here’s my (evil) giraffe.


Excuse me, but I was an English major; so why don’t you go sit down, make yourself comfortable, and have a nice cup of STFU?

[UPDATE] As God is my witness, my son immediately and without encouragement improved this picture so that the evil giraffe has now fallen into the volcano lair’s lava:


Thus ends the career of a promising themed supervillian, over before it even truly began.

Moe Lane Continue reading There’s a guy looking to collect one million pictures of hand-drawn giraffes.