Just finished watching “Going Postal”…

…on Blu-Ray, and it was very good.  It’s based on the Discworld book by the same name by Terry Pratchett, and it turned out to be a reasonably good adaptation of the novel*; the characters (and actors) were engaging, the quasi-Victorian sets were excellent and the original book’s themes about technology, innovation, and how both can be pretty cool came across pretty well.  I liked it: check it out.  If you’re a Terry Pratchett fan, you should like this.

And if you’re not a Terry Pratchett fan already… well.  There are a lot of people out there with your condition, and many of them go on to live reasonably full and meaningful lives.  So, you shouldn’t give up hope, or anything.

Moe Lane Continue reading Just finished watching “Going Postal”…

Movie of the Week: Them!

Normally I would  try to explain why I picked Them!, but in this case Cracked.com already has (in “11 Bad-Good Horror Movies You Need To See”):

It’s an old black-and-white movie about giant irradiated ants attacking southwestern American cities.

It’s an old black-and-white movie about giant irradiated ants attacking southwestern American cities.

It’s an old black-and-white movie about giant irradiated ants attacking southwestern American cities.

Works for me.

Annnnnd adieu, Going Postal . But soon you will be mine. Soon.

Movie of the Week: Going Postal.

Going Postal is, of course, the movie version of the Terry Pratchett Discworld novel of the same name; and, of course, the British have had it forever before they deigned to share it with us.  I’d make a rude comment, but I don’t dare do that until I have a copy in my grubby little hands.

Hey, there are some things I can’t fight.  Or don’t dare to.

Rubber baby buggie bumpers, Last Action Hero.

Moe Lane Continue reading Movie of the Week: Going Postal.