Sarah Palin’s new book has no index.

So says Andrew Malcolm, and if true, that is probably the funniest thing that I’ve read all day*. But what Going Rogue: An American Life will have is this:

e) She settles scores with some of those brave McCain folks who as genuine teammates in battle anonymously leaked unhelpful things about her to journalists during the campaign. Ms. P helpfully provides their names.

Andrew’s one of the few mainstream journalists who cares about the Wasilla Church Burning**, so I think that we can safely assume that he’s enjoying the prospect of names being named, too.

Moe Lane

*The joke in DC is that the first thing that anybody in this town does when they see a new political memoir is out is to flip to the back and look him or herself up. Not going to happen on this one, which is perhaps cruel of the former Governor.

**Eleven months, at this point. And no, I don’t enjoy bringing this topic up: while I enjoy hate mail as much as the next person, the kind that I get when I mention this issue typically smells bad. The kind of smell you associate with public restrooms in major metropolitan train stations.

Crossposted to RedState.

Pre-debunking the next Palin book rumor.

Got this one off of the Amazon discussion thread of Going Rogue: An American Life – well, one of the threads. Anyway, expect to see people actually arguing that the reason that the book is selling like hotcakes on and is because supposedly the VRWC is out there making mass pre-orders.  Let’s take it now to Peter Sultan, the commenter who did a nice job throttling this one in its crib:

Umm, not really.

These books are ordered by individuals. A “pre-order” is not a request that a bookstore obtain the book so it can be picked up an purchased later. A pre-order is giving amazon or barnes & noble, etc an *actual* order for the book, with payment method and everything.

So hopefully that will settle the matter.

Moe Lane

PS: I will not dignify any suggestion that I brought this all up solely for the purposes of filthy lucre with a response.