It’s a gorgeous day out here on the Eastern Seaboard, and I have a book. Shoo! The Internet will be here tomorrow.
Tag: gone fishing
Internet went away last night…
…and I’ll be going away this afternoon. Best man for a wedding this weekend; posting sporadic.
Gone fishing.
Going to be away until Sunday, not that this is going to gobsmack or heartsick anybody.
Out tomorrow…
…traveling. Should be back Sunday.
People apparently do care, actually. At least one or two, here or there. Sometimes. It’s one of those things.
So. This is nature.
Off to the weekend…
…I’d have signed off already, under the steadily-increasing in intensity gaze of my wife, but the BLS report was up and I wanted to hit on it briefly before I started packing the car. Posting is going to be… darned if I know.
Happy Fourth of July, everyone. Unless you hate the holiday on a philosophical level; in which case, póg mo thóin, Commie.
Going to a party.
Yes, that means that I’ll be actually outside and everything.
Gone fishing.
More like ‘day tripping out of state,’ but the principle remains the same. In the meantime, have some Awesome.
The band is Stringfever, and you’re welcome.
I’m taking a break.
Rotten mood. Here. Have some of the Ludwig van.
Gone fishing.
Family reunion this weekend with the in-laws. Maybe I’ll log in. Maybe I won’t.
Talk amongst yourselves?