Vegemite Plus [GURPS 4e]

Vegemite Plus – Google Docs

Vegemite Plus


Vegemite Plus comes in a jar with a slightly more metallic gold label, has “Plus!” added in purple ink (which glows, faintly, in the dark), and tastes slightly less bitter.  But it’s the ingredients list that raises eyebrows: in addition to the regular items, Vegemite plus includes kingsfoil, aliantha, trama root, moly, elfroot, black lotus, and eezo.  Aside from being a series of intellectual property lawsuits just waiting to happen, falsifying the list of ingredients on a foodstuff violates any number of Australian laws.

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GURPS In Nomine Revisited: Sin’an.

Sin’an 8_12 pt – Google Docs

Sin’an                                               8/12 pt

Primary Skill: Sin’an
Secondary Skills: Body Language, Tactics
Optional Skills: Acrobatics, various melee weapons, Shield
Maneuvers: Breakfall, Disarm, Elbow Strike, Ground Fighting, Knee Strike, Stamp Kick (1pt), Sweeping Kick
Cinematic Maneuvers: Roll With Blow
Cinematic Skills: Blind Fighting, Immovable Stance, Push, see below

(At the GM’s option, Sin’an adepts might also buy Extra Hit Points; this would be appropriate even for non-cinematic practitioners of the style.)

At its most basic, Sin’an is an unarmed style, but students also often study hand weapon techniques and shield use.  Sin’an focuses on controlling the battlefield, and making good use of the ground; a user of Sin’an will often prefer to enter close combat, grapple, and then either throw or slam his opponent down.  Sin’an also teaches attacks that are useful when grappling.  Though not part of the main martial style, Sin’an teachers who also teach weapon skills often provide a good overview of those weapons’ close combat techniques.   Continue reading GURPS In Nomine Revisited: Sin’an.

Galvanized Hybrid Organic-Mechanical (Post-Vital) Servitors [GURPS 4e]

Galvanized Hybrid Organic-Mechanical (Post-Vital) Servitors – Google Docs

Galvanized Hybrid Organic-Mechanical (Post-Vital) Servitors

[TL 5+2*] [0 pt]


Yes, ‘Galvanized Hybrid Organic-Mechanical (Post-Vital) Servitors’ is a mouthful, but only the people making them use the full title.  Everybody else says ‘ghompov.’ Aside from being shorter, the name also has the benefit of sounding creepy to English speakers, without being specifically tied to any one particular horror folk legend.  Which is good, because ghompovs will soon feature prominently in any number of new horror folk legends, once people realize what they’re actually dealing with.

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Scrapper [GURPS 4e]

Scrapper – Google Docs

Scrapper 700 pt


Name: Janet Bronson

Attributes [167]: ST 12 [20], DX 13 [60], IQ 13 [60], HT 12 [20], HP 13 [2], Will 13, Per 14 [5], FP 12

Advantages [539]: Appearance (Attractive) [4], Artificer (3) [30], Common Sense [10], Control Non-living Matter (3) (Collective) [240], Damage Resistance (20) (Limited (Non-Living Matter)) [80], High Pain Threshold [10], Higher Purpose (Cleaning up) (1) [5], Mathematical Ability (2) [20], Reputation (Cleaner) (1) (All the time; Almost everyone) [5], Smooth Operator (1) [15], Telekinesis (13) (Area Effect (2 yd); Visible) [85], Telekinetic Talent (4) [20], Very Fit [15]


Control Unliving Matter was bought at the 40 point base level, as it explicitly allows for complex machinery to be manipulated and disassembled and extends the Control power over all non-living materials.  Telekinetic Control gives a +4 to both Telekinesis and Control rolls.  

Perks [2]: Skill Adaptation (Clinch/Boxing) [1], Style Familiarity (Boxing) [1]

Disadvantages [-75]: Bad Sight (Nearsighted) (Glasses) [-10], Charitable (12 or less) [-15], Code of Honor (Gentleman’s) [-10], Curious (12 or less) [-5], Easy to Read [-10], Honesty (12 or less) [-10], Pacifism (Cannot Harm Innocents) [-10], Sense of Duty (Comrades) [-5]

Quirks [-5]: Expression (“Let’s have a scrap!”) [-1], Habit (Breaking down junk) [-1], Imaginative [-1], Likes apples [-1], Trademark (Disassembled weapons) [-1]

Packages [0]: Boxing (Martial Arts) [0], Investigator (Basic Set) [0]

Skills [72]: Acting IQ/A – IQ+1 14 [2]*, Architecture/TL8 IQ/A – IQ-1 12 [1], Armoury/TL8 (Small Arms) IQ/A – IQ+3 16 [2]**, Boxing DX/A – DX+3 16 [12], Boxing Sport DX/A – DX+0 13 [1], Chemistry/TL8 IQ/H – IQ-1 12 [2], Climbing DX/A – DX-1 12 [1], Counterattack (Boxing) Tech/H –  12 [2], Detect Lies Per/H – Per-1 13 [1], Diplomacy IQ/H – IQ+1 14 [4]***, Electronics Repair/TL8 (Security) IQ/A – IQ+2 15 [1]**, Engineer/TL8 (Materials) IQ/H – IQ+3 16 [1]**/****, Fast-Talk IQ/A – IQ+1 14 [2]*, First Aid/TL8 (Human) IQ/E – IQ+0 13 [1], Games (Boxing) IQ/E – IQ+0 13 [1], Hazardous Materials/TL8 (Chemical) IQ/A – IQ-1 12 [1], Hazardous Materials/TL8 (Radioactive) IQ/A – IQ-1 12 [1], Machinist/TL8 IQ/A – IQ+3 16 [2]**, Masonry IQ/E – IQ+3 16 [1]**, Mathematics/TL8 (Applied) IQ/H – IQ+0 13 [1]****, Mechanic/TL8 (Automobile) IQ/A – IQ+3 16 [2]**, Metallurgy/TL8 IQ/H – IQ-1 12 [2], Observation Per/A – Per+1 15 [4], Physics/TL8 IQ/VH – IQ-1 12 [1]****, Research/TL8 IQ/A – IQ+1 14 [4], Running HT/A – HT+0 12 [2], Savoir-Faire (Gym) IQ/A – IQ+0 13 [1]***, Scrounging Per/E – Per+2 16 [4], Search Per/A – Per+1 15 [4], Shadowing IQ/A – IQ-1 12 [1], Streetwise IQ/A – IQ+1 14 [2]***, Targeted Attack (Boxing Punch/Face) Tech/H –  12 [2], Targeted Attack (Boxing Uppercut/Face) Tech/H – 12 [2], Uppercut (Boxing) Tech/A – 16 [1]

Continue reading Scrapper [GURPS 4e]

Gunther Schmidt [GURPS 4e]

Gunther Schmidt – Google Docs

Gunther Schmidt [600 pt]


Race: Human Psion

Attributes [240]: ST 13 [30], DX 14 [80], IQ 14 [80], HT 12 [20], HP 18 (Hit Points includes +5 from ‘Extra Hit Points’), Will 16 [10], Per 16 [10], FP 12, Basic Speed 7 [10]

TL: 7 [0]

Languages: English (Native) [6]; German (Native) [0]; Russian (Native) [6]. Continue reading Gunther Schmidt [GURPS 4e]

Inner Mitten Fasting [GURPS 4e].

Inner Mitten Fasting

[7/9, plus Psionics]


A deliberate corruption of immer mitten festung (German for “Always in the middle of the fortress”), this particular martial art was put together by a black ops CIA project in the 1950s to train up its East German psionic espionage assets.  The original goal was the usual telepathic deep viewing network, of course; but it turned out that the recruitable psions in that part of the Iron Curtain were mostly telekinetics, instead of telepaths.  The CIA shrugged, and started training up psychokinetic assassins instead.

Continue reading Inner Mitten Fasting [GURPS 4e].

Rexdentium [GURPS 4e]

Rexdentium – Google Docs

Rexdentium [800 pt]

Race: Humanoid-shaped collection of teeth

Attributes [220]: ST 12 [20], DX 12 [40], IQ 16 [120], HT 12 [20]

HP 13 [2], Will 16, Per 16, FP 18 [18]

Social Background
TL: 8 [0]
Cultural Familiarities: Western (Native) [0].
Languages: Egyptian (Native) [4]; English (Native) [0]; Greek (Native) [4]; Hebrew (Native) [4]; Latin (Native) [4]; Russian (Native) [4]. Continue reading Rexdentium [GURPS 4e]

Ghost [GURPS 4e]

Ghost – Google Docs

Ghost [600pt]


Name: Ghost

Race: Human

Attributes [225]: ST 12 [20], DX 16 [120], IQ 13 [60], HT 12 [20], HP 12, Will 13, Per 14 [5], FP 12

TL: 8 [0]

Cultural Familiarities: All

Languages: Arabic (Accented) [2]; French (Accented) [2]; German (Accented) [2]; Hindustani (Accented) [2]; Japanese (Accented) [2]; Latin (Accented) [2]; Mandarin (Accented) [2]; Spanish (Accented) [2].

Advantages [406]: Appearance (Attractive) [4], Breath-Holding (1) [2], Catfall [10], Combat Reflexes [15], Common Sense [10], Cultural Adaptability [10], Damage Resistance (1) [5], Danger Sense [15], Eidetic Memory [5], Fit [5], Independent Income (5) [5], Jumper (World) (New Worlds; No Concentration; No Fatigue; Tracking) [205], Language Talent [10], Lightning Calculator [2], Nictitating Membrane (1) [1], Night Vision (1) [1], Regeneration (Slow: 1HP/12Hr) [10], Resistant (Disease) (Common) (Immunity) [15], Silence (1) [5], Social Chameleon [5], Unaging [15], Versatile [5], Voice [10], Wealth (Wealthy) [20] Continue reading Ghost [GURPS 4e]

“Mountains of Madness featuring John Williams” [GURPS 4e]

“Mountains of Madness featuring John Williams” – Google Docs

“Mountains of Madness featuring John Williams” Tenth Anniversary Soundtrack (2021)


Mountains of Madness (directed by Guillermo del Toro; starring George Clooney, Octavia Spencer, Gary Oldman, and Kristen Stewart) was one of the highest-grossing films of 2011 on Homeline. Del Toro even managed to score John Williams for the soundtrack, which (as usual) netted Williams an Academy Award nomination.  It’s widely considered to be one of Williams’ better work; the ‘Main Theme’ in particular somehow manages to be simultaneously peppy, pulpy, and deeply creepy, all at once. The tenth anniversary commemorative soundtrack is itself rather nice, with charmingly retro things like physical artwork — and an actual compact disc inside!  The whole thing has “collector’s item” stamped all over it. Well, not literally, because that would be crass.

Continue reading “Mountains of Madness featuring John Williams” [GURPS 4e]

Bonkeys [GURPS 4e]

Bonkeys [150] – Google Docs

Bonkeys [150]

Stats: IQ +1 [20], Per +1 [5]

Advantages: Blunt Claws [3], Intuition [15], Magery 2 [25], Visualization [10]

Meta-trait:  Skeletal Corpse (GURPS Zombies, page 69 {[base 13]; improve Appearance to Hideous [+9], remove Fragile (brittle) [+15], improve Unhealing to (healed with bone marrow & magic) [+10]} [total cost 47]

Skills: Electronics Operation/TL -12 (Security) (IQ+1) [4], Lockpicking/TL-12 (IQ+1) [4], Observation-12 (Per) [2], Research/TL-12 (IQ+1) [4], Search-12 (Per) [2]

Spells: Lend Energy (IQ+1) 12 [2], Lend Vitality (IQ+1) 12 [2], Minor Healing (IQ+1) 12 [2], Apportation (IQ+1) 12 [2], Lockmaster (IQ+1) 12 [2]

Quirks: Attentive [-1], Staid [-1]

Perks: Can use claws as Lockpicking/Electronic Operation tools [1]

Continue reading Bonkeys [GURPS 4e]