There are bizarre timelines, and then there’s Lagoon-2. On this world, fish-men rose out of the sea in 1954… just in time to help keep humanity from being slaughtered by an incursion of warped Ant-Men from inland. Today, humanity more or less is safe whenever they’re within ten miles of saltwater. Go past that, and things get… Weird… very, very quickly.
Infinity finds this place alarming, but profitable: the culture has frozen worldwide into a somewhat demented perpetual rockabilly extravaganza. Turns out that there are two things that Ant-Men can’t stand: salt water, and rock-and-roll. Which is one reason why Elvis Presley just got re-elected President, and why most remaining countries are almost literally ruled by their Top 40 lists. It’s not really a place for disaster tourism, but lots of people want to go to Lagoon-2 and try it anyway.
Lagoon-2, 1973
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