Tweet of the Day, I Apparently Have More Delicacy Than FLotUS edition.

There’s a part of me that’s a bad person for laughing at this.

On most evenings, Michelle Obama and her trusted adviser, Valerie Jarrett, met in a quiet corner of the White House residence. They’d usually open a bottle of Chardonnay, catch up on news about Sasha and Malia, and gossip about people who gave them heartburn.

Their favorite bête noire was Hillary Clinton, whom they nicknamed “Hildebeest,” after the menacing and shaggy-maned gnu that roams the Serengeti.

“Menacing and shaggy-maned gnu.” I really, really hope that the Democrats think that they’re going to have the same free media pass in 2016 that they had in 2008.


Moe Lane

PS: Seriously, are wildebeests actually ‘menacing?’ Also: a quick look at Wikpedia argues that they’re not actually native to the Serengeti. I hate to note that, because the line is hysterical, but fair’s fair.