…Was it the intent of Team Hillary to make her logo look like a sexual act?

I am going to score this new logo from Hillary Clinton* as being a rather significant design FAIL. Normally, I would not presume to do so; but normally I’m not given this kind of provocation. Good luck not seeing this now, sorry: and I apologize in advance for the, er, adult content of this observation. Consider yourself warned to stop reading now if you’re squeamish about this sort of thing:

Continue reading …Was it the intent of Team Hillary to make her logo look like a sexual act?

It’s Monday, so it’s time for a new Hillary Clinton ‘Hand in the Foundation Jar’ story.

This is… this is special prosecutor territory. For real. I hate saying that, because special prosecutors are awful – but then, so is this.

Continue reading It’s Monday, so it’s time for a new Hillary Clinton ‘Hand in the Foundation Jar’ story.

Tweet of the Day, Sing It, Brother @Charleswcooke edition.

Seriously, this is like the Platonic Ideal of the If you’re explaining, you’re losing principle.

Continue reading Tweet of the Day, Sing It, Brother @Charleswcooke edition.

The Candidate Who Cannot Run.

This is the sort of article (subject: how Hillary Clinton refuses to actually run a campaign, even now that she’s declared her candidacy) that sounds best if you imagine that the author of it transcribed his drunken rant in a bar, then cleaned it up.  …That is not meant as an insult: cars may not run well on ethanol, but political commentary certainly does.  And there’s some prime stuff in there:

With nine months until the first presidential primary, Clinton can’t afford to actively run for president. Indeed, if she had her druthers, she probably wouldn’t even be unrunning now. She was pressured by the constant press attention about when she was going to announce and the email controversy. That sort of press attention was positive media attention she couldn’t control, and only by announcing could she dial it down. The email controversy was negative media attention she couldn’t control without the attention-deflecting machinery of a campaign. Indeed, she may be the first politician to announce for the presidency in order to decrease attention in her candidacy.

Continue reading The Candidate Who Cannot Run.

John Kerry, v2.0. …Not that they really wanted v1.0, either.

I kind of agree, kind of disagree.

The more one watches the coverage of Mrs Clinton, the more it becomes apparent that it won’t be the serious scandals – the Benghazis or the private email account – that will matter. Rather, the much greater danger is that she could become a joke.

Unlike Barack Obama’s early days, Mrs Clinton isn’t viewed as “off limits” to the entertainment and media worlds. And unlike her husband, former president Bill Clinton, Mrs Clinton must get elected in a world where conservative websites and citizen journalists with camera phones are ubiquitous.

Continue reading John Kerry, v2.0. …Not that they really wanted v1.0, either.

Quote of the Day, ‘Monolith’ Actually Is The Best Word For Black Voting Patterns, Alas edition.

I dunno whether April Reign of Ebony is raising a warning flag here, or just spitting into the wind.

Some potential Black Democratic voters have indicated that, while they will support Hillary Clinton should she become the eventual nominee in 2016, it will not be with the same fervor as they did for President Obama, in part because of a sense of bad blood experienced during the 2008 campaign.  Indeed, many Blacks are saying that Hillary Clinton is not their first choice to receive the Democratic nomination in 2016 and that they will be anxiously waiting to see whom else enters the race.  These sentiments must not go unchecked by Hillary for America because Black voters, while not a monolith, are a large constituency that must be courted by Democrats to win the presidency. There is a sense of entitlement that Hillary Clinton has not earned within the Black community, allowing her supporters to mistakenly take Black votes for granted. Hillary Clinton will have to earn our support and our votes just as any other candidate does.

Continue reading Quote of the Day, ‘Monolith’ Actually Is The Best Word For Black Voting Patterns, Alas edition.

Hillary Clinton’s media strategy certainly has us talking about her…

…in case you haven’t noticed. I agree with Ed Morrissey that Hillary Clinton’s decision to have her campaign emulate a Los Angeles-class nuclear submarine is probably the smartest thing that she could do: I just don’t buy that she’s going to be able to hide from the country until the 2016 Democratic convention.  I do, however, look forward to seeing her try,

Team Clinton’s populist store: champagne and Old Fashioneds! – No beer, though.

This is pretty much Hillary Clinton’s actual target demographic in a nutshell: champagne flutes*, cocktail napkins, Old Fashioned** – ZOMG, OLD. FASHIONED. – glasses.  Because that just screams “middle class drinking patterns” to me.  Not to mention “Hey, we’re down with the youngsters!”


And not a beer mug to be found.   Continue reading Team Clinton’s populist store: champagne and Old Fashioneds! – No beer, though.

Brooklyn #readyforhillary with snarky guerrilla street art mocking her.

Hey! This guerrilla street art thing is fun. Why weren’t we doing it before?

We so totally should have been doing it before. Oh, well, lesson learned. Also, a reminder to those of you out there with discretionary incomes: art costs money.  If you like the novel idea of having guerrilla street art that you agree with, find the people creating it and give them some money.  Then they’ll make more guerrilla street art, only with better production values and a steadier hand because they’re eating more regularly.

It’s a very virtuous cycle.  Particularly if the word gets out that the Right pays better for guerrilla street art than the Left does.  Which shouldn’t be hard: the Left gets away with paying its side peanuts because, really, why should they pay more? Up to now there wasn’t really any competition in the guerrilla street art thing.

Moe Lane (crosspost)

PS: Hillary Clinton is secretive, ambitious, and entitled. These are things that are true. I’m sorry if that inconveniences people.