The ‘Every Quentin Taratino Movie’ Honest Trailer.

This was fun.

I’ve actually only seen either five or six Tarantino films (depending on how we’re scoring KILL BILL), but the bit in the middle — you’ll know the bit I’m talking about — had me wheezing with laughter anyway. It’s unfair to Tarantino; and yet, it really, really isn’t. It’s also simultaneously a pastiche of, critique about, and paean to the director. It feels… appropriate.

The GALAXY QUEST Honest Trailer / Never Surrender documentary link.

First things first: GALAXY QUEST. If you have not yet watched it, then you are in for a treat. Go buy it or whatever and then watch the Honest Trailer.

Now, if you want to watch NEVER SURRENDER, which is the documentary about Galaxy Quest, you can get it here. Feel free. Really: Christmas is coming up and the referral money’s always nice.

The Fairly Brutal X-MEN: DARK PHOENIX trailer.

Brutal, but probably fair. I dunno, I didn’t see it. I gotta be told that the movie didn’t suck before I’ll watch an X-Men film these days. And apparently that strategy works like gangbusters!

Although, honestly? I’m not sure how they’re going to port all of this into the MCU. The entire ‘society thinks mutants are bad’ thing that Marvel liked to do worked fine in the comic books, but it feels kind of… hokey, now.

Ach, well: we’ll let Ryan Reynolds sort it all out.

The ‘This is a Public Service’ ALADDIN remake Honest Trailer.

I discovered something interesting: now that I’ve seen this Honest Trailer for ALADDIN, I genuinely have no interest in seeing the movie at all. Not in the “Well, that was dumb” sense; in the “I feel now that I have actually seen the movie” sense. Although, sure: it looks dumb, too. But that’s never stopped me before!

Gotta agree with the Honest Trailer people, too: The Rise of Jafar would have been a more interesting movie. No, wait, that’s coming out in October.


[UPDATE: My lovely and talented wife wishes it to be known that she always knew how stupid the movie was; what was driven home for her was how tedious it was. The management regrets the error. – Mgt.]

Oddly enough, my wife decided to watch MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE last night. Right to the point where she realized anew how incredibly stupid it was, and then she stopped. You can kind of tell that Honest Trailers agrees with her, only with more exasperation because they played with these toys growing up so it’s kind of personal, OK?

Moe Lane

PS: Do I want to know why the title isn’t, you know, “He-Man?”