The BIRDS OF PREY* Honest Trailer.

…Huh. Apparently the BIRDS OF PREY* movie didn’t… suck? I was getting one hell of a ‘this is gonna suck’ vibe of that flick, which is why I didn’t see it. But Honest Trailers didn’t rip it to shreds and stamp on the shreds.

Go figure.

Moe Lane

*I’m not bothering with that stupid subtitle, either.

I haven’t actually watched the KNIVES OUT Honest Trailer.

I was going to, but Honest Trailers said that they were going to say whodunit in KNIVES OUT, and we… haven’t seen that movie yet. I know, I know: it apparently was really good! It just worked out that way. Got the DVD on preorder (apparently it’s just in video release at the moment); my wife and I will catch it in a week or so.

Anyway, here’s the Honest Trailer. If you’ve seen the movie already. It’s probably funny.

THE OSCARS Honest Trailer.

Not bad; Honest Trailers was perhaps a little unfair to some of the films that I saw and liked, but everybody probably feels the same way about the films that they liked. ONCE UPON A TIME IN HOLLYWOOD absolutely should walk away with the awards, mind you. It’s Tarantino’s best work*.

Continue reading THE OSCARS Honest Trailer.

The ‘Every Quentin Taratino Movie’ Honest Trailer.

This was fun.

I’ve actually only seen either five or six Tarantino films (depending on how we’re scoring KILL BILL), but the bit in the middle — you’ll know the bit I’m talking about — had me wheezing with laughter anyway. It’s unfair to Tarantino; and yet, it really, really isn’t. It’s also simultaneously a pastiche of, critique about, and paean to the director. It feels… appropriate.

The GALAXY QUEST Honest Trailer / Never Surrender documentary link.

First things first: GALAXY QUEST. If you have not yet watched it, then you are in for a treat. Go buy it or whatever and then watch the Honest Trailer.

Now, if you want to watch NEVER SURRENDER, which is the documentary about Galaxy Quest, you can get it here. Feel free. Really: Christmas is coming up and the referral money’s always nice.