The ‘This is a Public Service’ ALADDIN remake Honest Trailer.

I discovered something interesting: now that I’ve seen this Honest Trailer for ALADDIN, I genuinely have no interest in seeing the movie at all. Not in the “Well, that was dumb” sense; in the “I feel now that I have actually seen the movie” sense. Although, sure: it looks dumb, too. But that’s never stopped me before!

Gotta agree with the Honest Trailer people, too: The Rise of Jafar would have been a more interesting movie. No, wait, that’s coming out in October.


[UPDATE: My lovely and talented wife wishes it to be known that she always knew how stupid the movie was; what was driven home for her was how tedious it was. The management regrets the error. – Mgt.]

Oddly enough, my wife decided to watch MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE last night. Right to the point where she realized anew how incredibly stupid it was, and then she stopped. You can kind of tell that Honest Trailers agrees with her, only with more exasperation because they played with these toys growing up so it’s kind of personal, OK?

Moe Lane

PS: Do I want to know why the title isn’t, you know, “He-Man?”

The AVENGERS: ENDGAME Honest Trailer.

Although I’m confused, because I thought the AVENGERS: ENDGAME DVD comes out next week. I think that something funky may have happened with the release date. Anyway: it entertains. I’m looking forward to watching the movie again when it finally does show up physically*. There are details I figure I missed the first time.

Moe Lane

*That should probably be a general rule for you, from now on. They seem to be increasingly comfortable with retroactively altering digital copies of flicks, after the fact. Even when the changes are unobjectionable they’re not really unobjectionable, you know what I mean?

The BATMAN RETURNS Honest Trailer.

In a lot of ways, Batman Returns is more of a Tim Burton film than Batman itself was. And, as Honest Trailers kind of noted: this one was more of a Burton film than a Batman one. Mind you, I liked the first two just fine, but I think that the director and scriptwriters were more interested in Bruce Wayne than in Batman, and more interested in the various villains than in either facet of the hero.

Which is actually all right. Burton got excellent work out of Nicholson, Pfeiffer, De Vito, and Walken, and that’s nothing to sneeze at. I mean, look at what happened to the franchise with the next two movies. Or don’t, or at least don’t too closely; SAN loss might result.

The Captain Marvel Honest Trailer.

It’s very insightful — which is to say, it matched my opinion of the movie. I never thought that Captain Marvel was actually bad for what it was, which was a Marvel origin story. It occurs to me that that’s the problem that most Marvel origin stories had: they’re only origin stories, instead of the ‘superhero + something else’ model that the best MCU flicks have*.

Continue reading The Captain Marvel Honest Trailer.

The Con Air Honest Trailer.

How I love this movie.

I do not love Con Air because it is absurd; I love Con Air because it is absurd, and that at a critical moment in production everyone involved realized that it was absurd. There are a couple ways a movie can go once that realization has been made, and in Con Air‘s case the collective decision was made to just keep going and see where absurdity would take them. In this case, it took them to one of the best action flicks ever made.

Dang, now I have to go and watch the movie again.

Moe Lane

The ‘Speed’ Honest Trailer.

This is one of their better ones. I don’t know why, specifically. Honest Trailers just pretty much nailed the jokes and the timing on this one, that’s all.

It’s interesting, which ones connect with Honest Trailers. Speed obviously they loved already, and that helped make this a good one; but they hated Catwoman, and that HT was hysterical, too. Maybe it’s just all about the strong emotional response. …Which sounds a lot less profound, now that I’ve typed it out. :shrug: It’s what I got.