The Captain Marvel Honest Trailer.

It’s very insightful — which is to say, it matched my opinion of the movie. I never thought that Captain Marvel was actually bad for what it was, which was a Marvel origin story. It occurs to me that that’s the problem that most Marvel origin stories had: they’re only origin stories, instead of the ‘superhero + something else’ model that the best MCU flicks have*.

Continue reading The Captain Marvel Honest Trailer.

The Con Air Honest Trailer.

How I love this movie.

I do not love Con Air because it is absurd; I love Con Air because it is absurd, and that at a critical moment in production everyone involved realized that it was absurd. There are a couple ways a movie can go once that realization has been made, and in Con Air‘s case the collective decision was made to just keep going and see where absurdity would take them. In this case, it took them to one of the best action flicks ever made.

Dang, now I have to go and watch the movie again.

Moe Lane

The ‘Speed’ Honest Trailer.

This is one of their better ones. I don’t know why, specifically. Honest Trailers just pretty much nailed the jokes and the timing on this one, that’s all.

It’s interesting, which ones connect with Honest Trailers. Speed obviously they loved already, and that helped make this a good one; but they hated Catwoman, and that HT was hysterical, too. Maybe it’s just all about the strong emotional response. …Which sounds a lot less profound, now that I’ve typed it out. :shrug: It’s what I got.

The Howard the Duck Honest Trailer.

Sometimes we don’t appreciate the horrors that Honest Trailers has to view. Multiple times. Just to make us laugh. When that happens, they give us their take on true horror. Like… Howard the Duck.

Note that I’m not putting up an Amazon link for that movie. I’m not a monster. If you haven’t seen it… treasure your ignorance. Treasure it, and cling to it, and never let it go.

The Mortal Engines Honest Trailer.

Brutal, but presumably fair. I didn’t actually see Mortal Engines, and apparently neither did almost anybody else. I probably should have, but this Honest Trailer raises a compelling argument as to why I was probably right not to, all along.

…And a part of me is going ‘Dammit.’ It was, perhaps, just not gonzo enough.

The Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse Honest Trailer.

I’ve been waiting for this one, and Honest Trailers still managed to achieve tactical surprise for their take on Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse*. I won’t spoil things. Go ahead and watch; it’s clever.

Continue reading The Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse Honest Trailer.